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An Error in Temporal Error Theory
Journal of the American Philosophical Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-06 , DOI: 10.1017/apa.2018.5

Within the philosophy of time there has been a growing interest in positions that deny the reality of time. Those positions, whether motivated by arguments from physics or metaphysics, have a shared conclusion: time is not real. What has not been made clear, however, is exactly what it entails to deny the reality of time. Time is unreal, sure. But what does that mean?There has (within the recent literature) been only one sustained attempt to spell out what it would mean to endorse a (so-called) temporal error theory, a theory that denies the reality of time: Baron and Miller's (2015) ‘What Is Temporal Error Theory?’ Despite the fact that their paper makes significant strides in spelling out what would be required, my claim in this paper is that their position must be rejected and replaced. In addition to rejecting Baron and Miller's position, I also offer that replacement.



在时间哲学中,人们对否认时间真实性的立场越来越感兴趣。这些立场,无论是出于物理学还是形而上学的论点,都有一个共同的结论:时间不是真实的。然而,尚未明确的是否认时间的真实性所需要的东西。时间是不真实的,当然。但这意味着什么?(在最近的文献中)只有一次持续的尝试来阐明支持(所谓的)时间误差理论意味着什么,一种否认时间现实的理论:巴伦和米勒的(2015)“什么是时间误差理论?” 尽管他们的论文在阐明所需内容方面取得了重大进展,但我在本文中的主张是他们的立场必须被拒绝和替换。除了拒绝男爵和米勒