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Normative Moral Neuroscience: The Third Tradition of Neuroethics
Journal of the American Philosophical Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-22 , DOI: 10.1017/apa.2018.25

Neuroethics is typically conceived of as consisting of two traditions: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of moral judgment. However, recent work has sought to draw philosophical and ethical implications from the neuroscience of moral judgment. Such work, which concernsnormative moral neuroscience(NMN), is sufficiently distinct and complex to deserve recognition as a third tradition of neuroethics. Recognizing it as such can reduce confusion among researchers, eliminating conflations among both critics and proponents of NMN.This article identifies and unpacks some of the most prominent goals, characteristic assumptions, and unique arguments in NMN and addresses some of the strongest objections NMN faces. The paper synthesizes these considerations into a set of heuristics, or loose discovery principles, that can help overcome obstacles in and attenuate resistance to NMN. These heuristics may simultaneously help identify those projects in NMN that are most likely to be fruitful and help fortify them.



神经伦理学通常被认为由两个传统组成:神经科学的伦理学和道德判断的神经科学。然而,最近的工作试图从道德判断的神经科学中汲取哲学和伦理学的影响。这样的工作,涉及规范道德神经科学(NMN),足够独特和复杂,值得承认为神经伦理学的第三种传统。认识到这一点可以减少研究人员之间的混淆,消除 NMN 的批评者和支持者之间的混淆。本文确定并解开 NMN 中一些最突出的目标、特征假设和独特的论点,并解决 NMN 面临的一些最强烈的反对意见。该论文将这些考虑因素综合成一组启发式或松散的发现原则,可以帮助克服 NMN 中的障碍并减轻对 NMN 的阻力。这些启发式方法可以同时帮助识别 NMN 中最有可能取得成果的项目并帮助加强它们。