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Der Meister der Wesensschau Acts of Translation in Husserl’s Plato Without Platonism
Husserl Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10743-020-09273-8
Nicolas de Warren

The aim of this paper is understand Husserl’s “Platonism” through an understanding of how the method of eidetic variation and a phenomenological conception of essences reformulates by means of a conceptual and historical translation Plato’s doctrine of essences. In arguing that a theory of essences and method for the discovery of essences proves indispensable to a proper conception of phenomenology, Husserl positions himself as a philosophical “friend of essences” without thereby adopting a Platonic conception of essences. In addition to a reconstruction of Husserl’s image of Plato and the historical tradition, this paper examines the pivotal role played by “variation” and “manifold” in Husserl’s distinctive understanding of essences.


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