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Self-Locating Belief and Updating on Learning
Mind Pub Date : 2018-11-23 , DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzy046
Darren Bradley 1

Self-locating beliefs cause a problem for conditionalization. Miriam Schoenfield (2016) offers a solution: that on learning E, agents should update on the fact that they learned E. However, Schoenfield is not explicit about whether the fact that they learned E is self-locating. I will argue that if the fact that they learned E is self-locating then the original problem has not been addressed, and if the fact that they learned E is not self-locating then the theory generates implausible verdicts which Schoenfield explicitly rejects.



自我定位的信念会导致条件化问题。Miriam Schoenfield (2016) 提供了一个解决方案:在学习 E 时,代理应该更新他们学习 E 的事实。然而,Schoenfield 没有明确说明他们学习 E 的事实是否是自定位的。我会争辩说,如果他们学习 E 的事实是自定位的,那么原始问题还没有得到解决,如果他们学习 E 的事实不是自定位的,那么该理论会产生令人难以置信的结论,而 Schoenfield 明确拒绝了这一结论。