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Assembly Lines and Contra Dance Lines: The Ford Motor Company Music Department and Leisure Reform
Journal of the Society for American Music ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s1752196316000365

The automaker Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company Music Department in 1924 with the goal of reviving what he called “old-fashioned dancing and early American music.” Ford's interest in the Anglo-American social dances of his youth quickly grew from dances hosted by the Fords for company executives to a nationwide dance education program. This article traces the history of the Music Department's dance education program and examines the parallels between it and the company's earlier efforts in social engineering—namely the Ford Profit Sharing Plan (better known as the “Five Dollar Day”) and the Ford English School. The Music Department's activities offer an opportunity to explore how industry sought to shape music and dance through Americanization efforts and leisure reform as Detroit rapidly urbanized during the first decades of the twentieth century. Supporters of Ford's revival viewed the restrained musical accompaniment and dance movements as an antidote to jazz music and dances, but more importantly, music and dance served as an object lesson in the physical discipline necessary for assembly line labor. Ford's dance education campaign reveals the degree to which industry was once entwined with leisure reform in southeast Michigan.



汽车制造商亨利福特于 1924 年创立了福特汽车公司音乐部门,其目标是复兴他所谓的“老式舞蹈和早期美国音乐”。福特年轻时对英美社交舞的兴趣迅速从福特为公司高管举办的舞蹈发展为全国性的舞蹈教育计划。本文追溯了音乐系舞蹈教育计划的历史,并探讨了它与公司早期在社会工程方面的努力——即福特利润分享计划(更广为人知的“五美元日”)和福特英语学校之间的相似之处。音乐系' 这些活动提供了一个机会,可以探索工业如何通过美国化努力和休闲改革来塑造音乐和舞蹈,因为底特律在 20 世纪头几十年迅速城市化。福特复兴的支持者将受限制的音乐伴奏和舞蹈动作视为爵士音乐和舞蹈的解毒剂,但更重要的是,音乐和舞蹈是流水线劳动所必需的体能训练的实物课。福特的舞蹈教育活动揭示了密歇根东南部的工业曾经与休闲改革交织在一起的程度。音乐和舞蹈作为流水线劳动所必需的体能训练的实物课。福特的舞蹈教育活动揭示了密歇根东南部的工业曾经与休闲改革交织在一起的程度。音乐和舞蹈作为流水线劳动所必需的体能训练的实物课。福特的舞蹈教育活动揭示了密歇根东南部的工业曾经与休闲改革交织在一起的程度。