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"A Constant Sacrament of Praise": Metaphysics and the Liturgy of the Imagination in Stevens's "Peter Quince at the Clavier"
Wallace Stevens Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wsj.2018.0024
Kelly C. Macphail

A CHIEF TASK of the poetry of Wallace Stevens is to reassert an intimate connection between metaphysical belief and the role of the poet. Stevens’s spiritual concerns are represented with depth and complexity, and, although their declaration is perhaps more explicit in his later poetry, earlier poems such as “Peter Quince at the Clavier” best express the liturgical role of poetry and of the poet. Stevens must be reckoned as a modernist poet whose central concerns are metaphysical, which is itself a placeholder term for concepts that are themselves placeholders: religion, spirituality, truth, beauty, the sacred, faith, prayer, God. Much as other modernists sought to reinterpret Christian themes or symbols, Stevens repositioned liturgy to rethink the roles and the possibilities of poetry, the poet, and the imagination in a manner appropriate for the modernist era and aesthetic, thereby manipulating the gaps of language and epistemology to allow readers a privileged view “through the bushes” of the poet working to uncover metaphysical truths.


