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Kansas in the Light of the Imagination
Wallace Stevens Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wsj.2016.0031
Jim Ransom

On route 50 along the Arkansas The grand silos of Hutchinson rise before us, Brilliant in the light breaking beneath storm clouds Hanging in the rearview mirror. Fields of amber and fresh green Spread out along the highway, Their boundaries marked by great cottonwoods That line the creeks swelling the river As it flows across the plain toward Wichita. Twilight settles over the landscape And the intense summer heat begins to lift. A pheasant flies arrow-like across the highway. Hidden meadowlarks call from the grain. To the south, enormous thunderheads pile high into the sky, Illumined by the long rays of the setting sun. Clouds like gigantic peonies, Rose and red and violet, mauve and bronze, Here, in Kansas in the light of the imagination, Which, like the sun, adds nothing but itself.



在沿阿肯色州的 50 号公路上,哈钦森的大筒仓在我们面前升起,在暴风云下的光线中熠熠生辉 悬挂在后视镜中。琥珀色和新鲜绿色的田野沿着公路展开,它们的边界以巨大的白杨木为标志,沿着小溪排列,使河流膨胀,当它穿过平原流向威奇托时。暮色笼罩着大地,夏日的炎热开始消散。一只野鸡像箭一样飞过高速公路。隐藏的草地鹨从谷物中呼唤。南边,巨大的雷雨高高举起,被落日的长光照亮。云朵像巨大的牡丹,玫瑰色和红色和紫色,紫红色和青铜色, 在这里,堪萨斯在想象的光芒中, 像太阳一样,除了它自己什么也没有。