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Remembering James Salter
Sewanee Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sew.2016.0060
Jeffrey Meyers

reports that Helen had three unpublished novels and, in December of 1994, had another “bee in her bonnet,” a romance she had begun to write. Apparently it was completed and was expected for publication in 2004 under the name Sleeping with Embers. The last time I spoke with Helen, two or three years before she died, we didn’t discuss her writing, and her deafness, greater than my own, caused some comical confusions. But she was still interesting and funny, though well past ninety years old: intellectually, even if not physically, spry. Helen Norris Bell was probably at her best writing short stories. Though an Alabama writer, her stories are not characteristically southern, and despite the religious themes in some of her fiction, she was not primarily interested in issues or deep questions of belief or ideology or sociology. Instead her characters are depicted in originally conceived situations that bring out the depths of their humanity. Her best critic, Susan Snell, writes incisively that her work “illuminates quite ordinary lives in their most personal and precarious relations.” Cyril Connolly lugubriously declared, “contemporary books do not keep.” He also named the “enemies of promise” that prevent creation, at least two of which punctuated Helen Norris’s creative life—the pram in the hall (1940s to mid-1950s) and the need to earn a living (1966–1979). Helen Norris’s stories, though, do keep. Two of her collections are still in print, and readers can still encounter the evidence there of a genuine gift: brave, eloquent, and truthful.



据报道,海伦有三本未出版的小说,并且在 1994 年 12 月,她又开始写了一部“帽子里的蜜蜂”。显然它已经完成并预计在 2004 年以与余烬同眠的名义出版。上次我和海伦交谈时,她去世前两三年,我们没有讨论她的写作,她的耳聋比我的还严重,引起了一些可笑的混乱。但她仍然很有趣,很有趣,虽然已经九十多岁了:智力上,即使不是身体上,也很敏捷。海伦诺里斯贝尔可能是她最好的短篇小说创作者。虽然是阿拉巴马州的作家,但她的故事并不是典型的南方人,尽管她的一些小说中有宗教主题,但她主要对信仰、意识形态或社会学的问题或深刻问题不感兴趣。相反,她的角色在最初设想的情况下被描绘出来,展现了他们人性的深处。她最好的评论家苏珊·斯内尔 (Susan Snell) 精辟地写道,她的作品“在他们最私人和不稳定的关系中照亮了相当平凡的生活。” 西里尔·康诺利 (Cyril Connolly) 忧郁地宣称:“当代书籍不保存。” 他还指出了阻碍创造的“承诺的敌人”,其中至少有两个打断了海伦诺里斯的创作生活——大厅里的婴儿车(1940 年代至 1950 年代中期)和谋生的需要(1966-1979)。不过,海伦诺里斯的故事确实保留了下来。她的两本合集仍在印刷中,读者仍然可以在那里找到一份真正礼物的证据:勇敢、雄辩和诚实。她精辟地写道,她的作品“在他们最私人和不稳定的关系中照亮了相当平凡的生活。” 西里尔·康诺利 (Cyril Connolly) 忧郁地宣称:“当代书籍不保存。” 他还指出了阻碍创造的“承诺的敌人”,其中至少有两个打断了海伦诺里斯的创作生活——大厅里的婴儿车(1940 年代至 1950 年代中期)和谋生的需要(1966-1979)。不过,海伦诺里斯的故事确实保留了下来。她的两本合集仍在印刷中,读者仍然可以在那里找到一份真正礼物的证据:勇敢、雄辩和诚实。她精辟地写道,她的作品“在他们最私人和不稳定的关系中照亮了相当平凡的生活。” 西里尔·康诺利 (Cyril Connolly) 忧郁地宣称:“当代书籍不保存。” 他还指出了阻碍创造的“承诺的敌人”,其中至少有两个打断了海伦诺里斯的创作生活——大厅里的婴儿车(1940 年代至 1950 年代中期)和谋生的需要(1966-1979)。不过,海伦诺里斯的故事确实保留了下来。她的两本合集仍在印刷中,读者仍然可以在那里找到一份真正礼物的证据:勇敢、雄辩和诚实。其中至少有两个打断了海伦诺里斯的创作生活——大厅里的婴儿车(1940 年代到 1950 年代中期)和谋生的需要(1966-1979)。不过,海伦诺里斯的故事确实保留了下来。她的两本合集仍在印刷中,读者仍然可以在那里找到一份真正礼物的证据:勇敢、雄辩和诚实。其中至少有两个打断了海伦诺里斯的创作生活——大厅里的婴儿车(1940 年代到 1950 年代中期)和谋生的需要(1966-1979)。不过,海伦诺里斯的故事确实保留了下来。她的两本合集仍在印刷中,读者仍然可以在那里找到一份真正礼物的证据:勇敢、雄辩和诚实。