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Remembering the Reformation
Sewanee Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sew.2016.0120
William E. Engel

No writer incensed Mark Twain more than Jane Austen. In a letter to his lifelong friend, the Reverend Joseph Twichell, he railed: “Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.” Twain was as ill at ease in the provincial Regency world of Austen’s characters as Huck Finn was in the parlor of the widow Douglas; like Huck, Twain chafed at “getting sivilized.” Roger Moore’s new book reminds readers of an important civilizing factor in Austen’s writing— namely, the long shadow cast by the Reformation over the English sacred landscape and sense of national identity. This is a welcome addition to the heavy traffic in books by and about Austen, who in recent years has assumed something of celebrity status, abetted in large measure by the many lush period pieces adapting her works to film. It is not unusual to see impulse-purchase books at checkout counters with titles such as What Would Jane Do? (2014) and Jane Austen: A Treasury (2014) which, according to the book jacket, consists of “quotations that will inspire, amuse and enchant.” There is a steady trade in works aimed at Austen fans, including Dinner with Mr. Darcy: Recipes Inspired by the Novels of Jane Austen (2013), Tea with Jane Austen (2011), and, as was perhaps inevitable, Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009), recently released as an action-horror-romance film. Mass market media seems to be Austen’s own worst enemy, more damaging by far to the seriousness of her literary enterprise than Mark Twain’s censorious quip. Although Moore claims his book does not offer a radically new view of Austen, his treatment of her Burkean dislike of precipitate change and preference for preserving ancient national institutions swept away by the Reformation is nothing short of revelatory. His impeccably historicized account of Austen’s contribution to the divisive national conversation about religious change in England reveals her to be an astute Christian commentator more engaged with religious affairs of the day than scholars previously have assumed. Such is the book’s argument, and it is elaborated suasively in two main sections.



没有哪个作家比简奥斯汀更激怒马克吐温。在给他一生的朋友、牧师约瑟夫·特威切尔 (Joseph Twichell) 的一封信中,他怒斥道:“每次我读《傲慢与偏见》时,我都想把她挖出来,用她自己的胫骨敲打她的头骨。” 吐温在奥斯汀笔下的摄政世界中感到不安,就像哈克·芬恩在寡妇道格拉斯的客厅里一样。像哈克一样,吐温对“变得文明”感到恼火。罗杰摩尔的新书提醒读者奥斯汀写作中一个重要的文明因素——即宗教改革对英国神圣景观和民族认同感投下的长长的阴影。这是对奥斯汀的大量书籍和关于奥斯汀的书籍的一个受欢迎的补充,近年来,奥斯汀已经获得了一些名人地位,在很大程度上受到了许多将她的作品改编成电影的丰富时期的作品的支持。在收银台看到冲动购买的书,书名如《简会做什么?(2014 年)和简·奥斯汀:财政部(2014 年),根据这本书的封套,其中包含“能激发灵感、逗乐和着迷的名言”。针对奥斯汀粉丝的作品有稳定的交易,包括与达西先生共进晚餐:受简奥斯汀小说启发的食谱(2013 年)、与简奥斯汀的茶(2011 年),以及也许是不可避免的,塞思格雷厄姆史密斯的傲慢与偏见与僵尸 (2009),最近作为动作恐怖浪漫电影发行。大众市场媒体似乎是奥斯汀自己最大的敌人,远比马克吐温挑剔的讽刺对她的文学事业的严肃性造成更大的破坏。尽管摩尔声称他的书并没有提供对奥斯汀的全新观点,他对她伯克式的不喜欢快速变化和偏爱保留被宗教改革扫除的古老国家机构的态度完全具有启示性。他对奥斯汀对英国宗教变革的分裂性全国对话所做贡献的无可挑剔的历史化描述表明,她是一位精明的基督教评论员,比学者们之前认为的更关注当今的宗教事务。这就是本书的论点,它分为两个主要部分进行了有说服力的阐述。他对奥斯汀对英国宗教变革的分裂性全国对话所做贡献的无可挑剔的历史化描述表明,她是一位精明的基督教评论员,比学者们之前认为的更关注当今的宗教事务。这就是本书的论点,它分为两个主要部分进行了有说服力的阐述。他对奥斯汀对英国宗教变革的分裂性全国对话所做贡献的无可挑剔的历史化描述表明,她是一位精明的基督教评论员,比学者们之前认为的更关注当今的宗教事务。这就是本书的论点,它分为两个主要部分进行了有说服力的阐述。