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S Is for Something: Mark Strand and Artistic Identity
Sewanee Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sew.2017.0017
Mary Jo Salter

T hose of us who got to spend time with the poet Mark Strand, summer after summer, at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, will recognize the tongue-in-cheek tone of the following remark: “It is sometimes — but not always — nice to think that people may be talking about you when you are not present, that you are the subject of a conversation you have not steered in your direction and whose evolution depends on your absence. This is what happens to the famous. And to the dead. They can be the life of the party and never show up.” Mark Strand was one of the least explicitly autobiographical poets of our time — he hardly ever revealed the literal, factual details of his life beyond the unsurprising back story that he had some parents, a sister, some wives, and some children — but he was


S 代表某物:Mark Strand 和艺术身份

我们这些在一个夏天又一个夏天在塞瓦尼作家大会上与诗人马克斯特兰德共度时光的人会认识到以下评论的诙谐语气:“有时——但并非总是——很好认为当你不在场时人们可能会谈论你,你是谈话的主题,你没有引导你的方向,而谈话的发展取决于你的缺席。这就是名人的遭遇。和死者。他们可以成为派对的生命,永远不会出现。” 马克·斯特兰德 (Mark Strand) 是我们这个时代最不明确的自传体诗人之一——除了他有一些父母、姐姐、一些妻子和一些孩子的令人惊讶的背景故事之外,他几乎从未透露过他生活中的字面意义和事实细节——但他是