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Bernard Noël's Trips
Romance Notes ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rmc.2018.0004
Warren Motte

BERNARD Noël’s Un trajet en hiver (2004) presents itself as a travel diary, recounting a series of thirty-four trips on the train and one very brief visit to the Buffet de la Gare, in Lausanne. That simple description is reductive, of course, and perhaps not entirely faithful to the purposes that animate the text. For Un trajet en hiver is not strictly speaking a diary: there is no question of a daily practice of writing, there are no temporal indications prefacing the entries, and there is no effort to seize events of personal life that may have occurred apart from those train trips. Yet Bernard Noël is on record as claiming that all of his books may be read like fragments of a diary, whatever other appearance they may offer,1 and this particular text flirts with that genre quite openly, in provocative ways. As for travel, that is perhaps not the most crucial concern of this book. In other words, it is not travel as such that interests Noël here, but rather the ways in which we choose to furnish the curiously suspended time of a train ride.2 For his part, Noël boards the train with plenty of material to occupy his time (newspapers, magazines, books), and with the best of intentions. Though he reads in the train, and his readings are often interesting ones (Peter Handke, Julio Cortázar, Jean Genet, William Burroughs, Francis Ponge, for instance), his mind quickly wanders. Sometimes, it’s the physical landscape that distracts him, whizzing by at breakneck speed in contrast to his own immobility. More often still, it is the human landscape that grabs his attention, and more precisely the conversations of his fellow-travelers. Eavesdropping may be a guilty pleasure, but it is an undeniable pleasure nonetheless. It is difficult to resist in a confined, public space like that of a train, where one’s own anonymity and that of others rub elbows. The tempta-



伯纳德·诺尔(BERNARDNoël)的《穿越的旅程》(2004年)作为旅行日记,讲述了火车上的34次旅行和一次短暂的洛桑自助餐之旅。当然,这种简单的描述是还原性的,也许并不完全忠实于使文本动画化的目的。因为Un trajet en hiver并不是严格意义上的日记:没有日常写作习惯的问题,没有临时的迹象表明条目的开头,除了那些可能发生的事情以外,我们没有其他任何努力来抓住可能发生的个人生活事件火车旅行。然而,伯纳德·诺尔(BernardNoël)声称,他的所有书籍都可以像日记的片段一样阅读,无论它们可能提供的其他外观,[1]并且这种特殊的文本都以挑衅的方式公开地调侃了这一类型。至于旅行 这也许不是本书中最关键的问题。换句话说,不是让诺尔感兴趣的是这种旅行,而是我们选择提供奇怪的火车暂停时间的方式2就他而言,诺尔登上火车的材料足以占用他的时间(报纸,杂志,书籍),并带有最佳意图。尽管他在火车上看书,并且经常读一些有趣的书(例如,彼得·汉德克,朱利奥·科尔塔扎尔,让·吉内特,威廉·伯劳斯,弗朗西斯·蓬吉),但他的思想却迅速消失了。有时候,正是他的自然风景分散了他的注意力,与他自己的静止不动相比,飞速地飞驰着。更常见的是,人文景观吸引了他的注意力,更确切地说,是他与旅行者同行的交谈。窃听可能是一种罪恶感,但这仍然是不可否认的乐趣。在狭窄的公共空间(如火车)中很难抗拒,因为在该空间中,一个人的匿名性和其他人的肘部摩擦。诱惑