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“Getting Wind of a New Opening”: Joyce in the Digital Age Conference, Columbia University, New York, 1 October 2017
James Joyce Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jjq.2018.0003
Caleb Derven

“fool” to what Senn defined as a “remote medical diagnosis.” The topic was unexpectedly picked up again through a letter presented by Vincenti in which Joyce, frustrated with the state of his eyesight, writes to Valery Larbaud that “it is all U-P up” (LettersIII 182), shedding additional light on the case. The workshop’s packed social program offered all the required rites of passage for the visiting Joycean in Zurich. During a walking tour, expertly led by Senn, the participants visited a building across from what was once a maternity hospital where Joyce wrote several early episodes of Ulysses and possibly received inspiration for “Oxen of the Sun.” Since the building was under construction, scholars could collect their very own Joycean rubble memorabilia. After a short tram ride, where the group huddled around Senn who was pointing out the sites, the tour ended with a pilgrimage to the Fluntern Cemetery and James and Nora’s graves. The day was capped with a glorious boat trip to Rapperswil after which some brave members opted for a swim in the lake, while others enjoyed a scenic walk. The attendees regrouped for a beautiful waterside dinner beside a picture-postcard view. Arguably the most exciting part of attending the Zurich workshop is the Foundation itself. Surrounding the extraordinary collection of scholarly volumes, every inch of available space is covered with quotations, illustrations, and pictures. At every corner, there is something to write home about.


“新开幕之风”:乔伊斯在数字时代会议上,哥伦比亚大学,纽约,2017 年 10 月 1 日

Senn 定义为“远程医疗诊断”的“傻瓜”。文森蒂在一封信中意外地再次提到了这个话题,乔伊斯在信中对自己的视力状况感到沮丧,写信给瓦莱里·拉博说“一切都好了”(LettersIII 182),进一步阐明了此案。研讨会内容丰富的社交活动为到访苏黎世的乔伊斯 (Joycean) 提供了所有必需的成年礼。在由 Senn 专业带领的徒步旅行中,参与者参观了曾经是产科医院对面的一座建筑,乔伊斯在那里写了几集《尤利西斯》的早期剧集,并可能获得了“太阳之牛”的灵感。由于这座建筑正在建设中,学者们可以收集他们自己的乔伊斯瓦砾纪念品。短暂的电车之旅后,小组挤在指出地点的 Senn 周围,这次旅行以前往 Fluntern 公墓以及 James 和 Nora 的坟墓的朝圣结束。这一天以前往拉珀斯维尔(Rapperswil)的光荣乘船之旅结束,之后一些勇敢的成员选择在湖中游泳,而其他人则享受风景优美的散步。与会者重新聚集在一起,在明信片般的美景旁享用美丽的水边晚餐。可以说,参加苏黎世研讨会最令人兴奋的部分是基金会本身。围绕着非凡的学术书籍收藏,每一寸可用空间都布满了引文、插图和图片。在每个角落,都有值得写回家的东西。这一天以前往拉珀斯维尔(Rapperswil)的光荣乘船之旅结束,之后一些勇敢的成员选择在湖中游泳,而其他人则享受风景优美的散步。与会者重新聚集在一起,在明信片般的美景旁享用美丽的水边晚餐。可以说,参加苏黎世研讨会最令人兴奋的部分是基金会本身。围绕着非凡的学术书籍收藏,每一寸可用空间都布满了引文、插图和图片。在每个角落,都有值得写回家的东西。这一天以前往拉珀斯维尔(Rapperswil)的光荣乘船之旅结束,之后一些勇敢的成员选择在湖中游泳,而其他人则享受风景优美的散步。与会者重新聚集在一起,在明信片般的美景旁享用美丽的水边晚餐。可以说,参加苏黎世研讨会最令人兴奋的部分是基金会本身。围绕着非凡的学术书籍收藏,每一寸可用空间都布满了引文、插图和图片。在每个角落,都有值得写回家的东西。围绕着非凡的学术书籍收藏,每一寸可用空间都布满了引文、插图和图片。在每个角落,都有值得写回家的东西。围绕着非凡的学术书籍收藏,每一寸可用空间都布满了引文、插图和图片。在每个角落,都有值得写回家的东西。