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An Unpublished Fragment of Finnegans Wake I.6?
James Joyce Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jjq.2019.0013
David Spurr

The following fragment, discovered in the hatband of a homburg worn by Joyce in 1927, may have been intended as an addition to the question-answer session in Finnegans Wake I.6. It is written on a goodish-sized sheet of letter paper marked with teastains, in a wandering hand, possibly due to intoxication. As it is unsigned, scholars at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation are divided on the question of its authenticity, some suspecting a forgery by one Vladimir Dixon.


Finnegans Wake I.6 的未发表片段?

以下片段是在 1927 年乔伊斯 (Joyce) 戴的 homburg 帽带中发现的,可能是作为 Finnegans Wake I.6 问答环节的补充。它写在一张大小适中的信纸上,上面有茶渍,用一只流浪的手,可能是因为喝醉了。由于它没有署名,苏黎世詹姆斯乔伊斯基金会的学者对其真实性问题存在分歧,有些人怀疑是弗拉基米尔迪克森伪造的。