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Energy Insecurity Due to Gas Supply Availability: Efforts to Coordinate Electric and Gas Systems
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1109/mpe.2020.3043612
Guillermo Bautista Alderete

The california independent system operator (caiso) is one of nine independent system operators (ISOs) in North America. Its primary responsibility is to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of electricity on the power grid. CAISO manages the flow of electricity for about 80% of California and a small part of Nevada, which encompasses all of the investor-owned utility territories and some municipal utility service areas. The ISO wholesale energy market is comprised of day-ahead and real-time processes. The energy products and services traded in its markets allow the organization to meet reliability needs and the serve load at the least cost. The ISO is responsible for ensuring fair, nondiscriminatory, and transparent access to the transmission network and market transactions.


