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Burst Load Evacuation Based on Dispatching and Scheduling In Distributed Edge Networks
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1109/tpds.2021.3052236
Shuiguang Deng 1 , Cheng Zhang 1 , Chang Li 1 , Jianwei Yin 1 , Schahram Dustdar 2 , Albert Y. Zomaya 3

Edge computing, a fast evolving computing paradigm, has spawned a variety of new system architectures and computing methods discussed in both academia and industry. Edge servers are directly deployed near users’ equipment or devices owned by telecommunications companies. This allows for offloading computing tasks of various devices nearby to edge servers. Due to the shortage of computing resources in edge computing networks, they are often not as sufficient as the computing resources in a cloud computing center. This leads to the problem of service load imbalance once the load in the edge computing network increases suddenly. To solve the problem of “load evacuation” in edge environments, we introduce a strategy when the number of service requests for mobile devices or IoT devices increases rapidly within a short period of time. Therefore, to prevent poor QoS in edge computing, service load should be migrated to other edge servers to reduce the overall delay of these service requests. In this article, we have introduced a strategy with two stages during the burst load evacuation. Based on an optimal routing search at the dispatching stage, tasks will be migrated from the server in which the burst load occurs to other servers as soon as possible. Subsequently, with the assistance of the remote server and edge servers, these tasks are processed with the highest efficiency through the proposed parallel structure at the scheduling stage. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments to clarify the superiority of our algorithm in an edge environment simulation.


