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The enduring—and evolving—museum conscience
Journal of Mammalogy ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyab006
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Joseph Grinnell’s prescience is by now widely known, particularly to readers of this journal and members of the American Society of Mammalogists (over which Grinnell once presided). The founding director of the University of California, Berkeley’s venerable Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ) and academic progenitor of—and inspiration to—generations of student and professional successors in mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology, conservation, and wildlife management (Jones 1991), Grinnell recognized not only the immediate but also the long-term value of carefully documented, well-curated museum specimens, famously predicting the attainment of their greatest utility as ecological benchmarks only after the passage of decades or even centuries (Grinnell 1910). His vision has since been stunningly realized thanks to the heroically ambitious effort led by his MVZ successors and their colleagues to resurvey sites throughout much of California originally inventoried by Grinnell and his contemporaries a century before (Moritz et al. 2008; Rowe et al. 2014). Fittingly bearing his name, the Grinnell Resurvey Project continues to document—using methods and tools familiar to its namesake, as well as many he couldn’t possibly have imagined—the many biological and ecological changes wrought by a century of environmental change. It’s tempting to think Grinnell himself might have predicted some of these had he known what lay ahead. I, personally, am glad he didn’t.



约瑟夫·格林内尔(Joseph Grinnell)的先知到现在已广为人知,特别是本杂志的读者和美国哺乳动物学会(格林内尔曾主持)的会员。加州大学伯克利分校的脊椎动物学博物馆(MVZ)的创始董事,是哺乳动物学,鸟类学,爬虫学,保护学和野生动植物管理学的学生和专业后继者的学术祖先,并对其产生了启发(Jones 1991),格林内尔不仅认识到精心记录的精心策划的博物馆标本的即时价值,而且还具有长期价值,著名地预言着只有在几十年甚至几个世纪过去之后,它们才能发挥最大的生态基准(格林内尔1910)。由于他的MVZ接班人和他们的同事们进行了雄心勃勃的雄心勃勃的努力,使他的远见得以惊人地实现,他在一个世纪前对格林里尔及其同辈盘点的加利福尼亚大部分地区进行了重新调查(Moritz等人,2008; Rowe等人,2014)。 )。Grinnell Resurvey项目正好适合他的名字,它继续使用同名的方法和工具以及他可能无法想象的许多方法,来记录一个世纪的环境变化所造成的许多生物和生态变化。诱人的是,格林内尔本人可能已经预言了其中的一些,前提是他知道未来会发生什么。我个人很高兴他没有。