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The work lives of disabled teachers: revisiting inclusive education in English schools
Disability & Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1867074
Hannah Ware 1 , Nidhi Singal 1 , Nora Groce 2


Globally there is a focus on ensuring a more diverse teaching workforce ensuring representation across gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity. However, little attention is paid to ensuring the inclusion of disabled teachers. This paper examines the work lives of ten disabled teachers in schools across England. Their experiences suggest that whilst there is a strong discourse on inclusive education within English schools and policies this does not necessarily extend to disabled teachers themselves. Whilst the disabled teachers participating in this research demonstrated ways in which their presence disrupted normative notions of able-bodiedness in education and they actively created spaces for inclusive learning, the majority also reported facing significant discrimination and barriers whilst at work. Urgent change is needed to support disabled teachers to access effective training as well as the removal of barriers to enable disabled teachers to remain in the workforce and progress their careers.

  • Points of interest
  • Inclusive education is vital in order to ensure education for all.

  • Efforts to include teachers with diverse characteristics into the workforce are being promoted globally, however; this rarely includes disabled teachers.

  • If education is to be truly inclusive then we need to support and encourage not only children with disabilities, but also work to support and encourage the careers of disabled teachers.

  • This study is comprised of in-depth interviews with 10 teachers in England who reflect on what it means to be disabled and to pursue a career in mainstream schools.





  • 兴趣点
  • 包容性教育对于确保全民教育至关重要。

  • 然而,将具有不同特征的教师纳入劳动力队伍的努力正在全球范围内推广;这很少包括残疾教师。

  • 如果教育要真正具有包容性,那么我们不仅需要支持和鼓励残疾儿童,还要努力支持和鼓励残疾教师的职业生涯。

  • 这项研究包括对 10 位英格兰教师的深入访谈,他们反思了残疾和在主流学校谋求职业的意义。
