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Healthcare Professionals’ Views for the Content of the Teddy Bear Hospital for a Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Module
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2021.1890294
Aneesa Abdul Rashid 1 , Ai Theng Cheong 1 , Nurainul Hana Shamsuddin 1 , Dalila Roslan 2 , Ranita Hisham Shunmugam 3


Worldwide studies have reported a drastic increase in child sexual abuse (CSA) involving very young children. In Malaysia, several attempts have been made to combat this problem via educational programs. Teachers have reported a lack of confidence in teaching this topic; hence a less threatening approach is needed. The Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) is an innovation whereby the children bring their teddies while visiting the volunteers assuming healthcare practitioners’ role. This execution is effective in reducing the children’s anxieties about hospitalization and increasing their health knowledge. Therefore, our objective is to explore healthcare practitioners’ (HCP) views for the content of TBH and its approach as a personal safety module toward preventing CSA. Eighteen in-depth-interviews were conducted. Interviews were thematically analyzed. Participants suggest the TBH method as a good approach to teaching prevention of CSA among preschoolers. Four main themes emerged from this study: (1) educating children about personal safety, (2) moral values and faith as a medium to prevent child sexual abuse, (3) addressing social media use in children, and (4) general approach to content delivery. The involvement of parents is crucial. Addressing moral values and faith and usage of social media platforms are also essential factors to look into.




全球研究报告称,涉及非常年幼儿童的儿童性虐待 (CSA) 急剧增加。在马来西亚,已经多次尝试通过教育计划来解决这个问题。教师报告说在教授这个主题时缺乏信心;因此需要一种威胁较小的方法。泰迪熊医院 (TBH) 是一项创新,孩子们带着他们的泰迪熊来探望扮演医疗保健从业者角色的志愿者。这种执行有效地减少了孩子们对住院的焦虑,增加了他们的健康知识。因此,我们的目标是探索医疗保健从业者 (HCP) 对 TBH 内容的看法及其作为预防 CSA 的个人安全模块的方法。进行了十八次深度访谈。访谈进行了专题分析。参与者认为 TBH 方法是在学龄前儿童中教授 CSA 预防的好方法。本研究提出了四个主要主题:(1) 对儿童进行人身安全教育,(2) 作为预防儿童性虐待的媒介的道德价值观和信仰,(3) 解决儿童使用社交媒体的问题,以及 (4)内容交付。父母的参与至关重要。解决道德价值观和信仰以及社交媒体平台的使用也是需要研究的重要因素。父母的参与至关重要。解决道德价值观和信仰以及社交媒体平台的使用也是需要研究的重要因素。父母的参与至关重要。解决道德价值观和信仰以及社交媒体平台的使用也是需要研究的重要因素。
