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Kainga (families) experiences of a Tongan-Indigenous faith-based violence-prevention programme
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1177/1177180121994924
Sesimani Havea 1 , Siautu Alefaio-Tugia 1 , Darrin Hodgetts 1

Christianity is an embedded value system within Pacific cultures that is now being employed to inform efforts to address social issues such as family violence. This article chronicles a Tongan woman’s cultural immersion with 49 Tongan church kainga (families) who participated in the Tongan faith-based Kainga Tu’umalie (Prosperous families) family violence programme. Talanoa (Pacific-Indigenous way of engaging families in research) with three kainga is drawn upon to highlight the impact of the programme in re-awakening the need to rebuild positive familial relationships based on core Tongan Christian values. More broadly, accounts from the kainga foreground the importance of interweaving spiritual faith and Indigenous knowledge in efforts to address family violence. This research also speaks to the importance of leveraging collaborative partnerships between community-based agencies and faith-based communities in addressing social issues.



基督教是太平洋文化中的一种内在价值体系,现在正被用来指导人们解决诸如家庭暴力等社会问题。本文通过参与汤加信仰基础的Kainga Tu'umalie(繁荣家庭)家庭暴力计划的49个汤加教会kainga(家庭),记录了汤加妇女的文化沉浸Talanoa(太平洋土著家庭参与研究的方式)与三个kainga一起被使用,以突出该计划在重新唤起基于汤加基督教核心价值观重建积极家庭关系的需要方面的影响。更广泛地说,来自kainga的帐户前景在解决家庭暴力的努力中,将精神信仰和土著知识交织在一起的重要性。这项研究还表明,在解决社会问题时利用基于社区的机构和基于信仰的社区之间的合作伙伴关系的重要性。
