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Influence of land use and occupation on the water quality of a microbasin in the southwestern Amazon
Biogeosciences ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.5194/bg-2020-485
Alan Gomes Mendonça , Josilena de Jesus Laureano , Daíse da Silva Lopes , Lindolaine Machado de Sousa , Tiago de Oliveira Lima , Ana Lúcia Denardin da Rosa , Beatriz Machado Gomes , Igor David da Costa , Elisabete Lourdes do Nascimento

Abstract. Water resource management in Brazil is constantly evolving, and greater knowledge about this resource allows better planning and more sustainable uses. In Brazil, the improvement of water resource management faces the difficulty of implementing the instruments of the National Water Resources Policy, such as classification of water bodies. Thus, to help improve the water management instruments in the country's northern region, the objective of the present study was to diagnose the influence of land use and occupation on the water quality of the Igarapé Nazaré microbasin. For this purpose, indirect methods of landscape analysis were applied based on the processing of remote sensing images in a GIS. For the water quality analysis, 10 collection points were selected in the watershed, with samples collected at each one in four periods (high water; HW/LW transition; low water; LW/HW transition). In the collected samples, 14 parameters were analyzed, namely: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity; turbidity; water transparency and depth; dissolved oxygen; chlorophyll a, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus and dissolved phosphorus; total coliforms and E. coli. The spatial analysis showed that the microbasin has about 84 % anthropized territory, with emphasis on agriculture, and sources of pollution from industries, fish farming and domestic sewage. Parameter analyses showed high values of total phosphorus (0.005–27.55 mg.L−1), total coliforms (4,103–1,09,106 CFU) and E. coli (0–5.8,105 CFU), and low DO concentration (0.0–8.33 mg.L−1), below the official limit established in all periods analyzed The water quality of the Igarapé Nazaré microbasin was found to suffer strong anthropic interference, requiring improvement of the sanitary infrastructure of city of Ji-Paraná, for maintenance of the watershed in class 2.



摘要。巴西的水资源管理在不断发展,对这种资源的更多了解有助于更好的规划和更可持续的利用。在巴西,改善水资源管理面临着执行国家水资源政策工具(如水体分类)的困难。因此,为帮助改善该国北部地区的水管理手段,本研究的目的是诊断土地利用和占用对伊加拉佩·纳扎雷微盆地水质的影响。为此,基于GIS中遥感图像的处理,采用了间接的景观分析方法。为了进行水质分析,在流域中选择了10个采集点,并在四个时段中每个采集一个采样点(高水位;硬件/硬件过渡;枯水; LW / HW过渡)。在收集的样品中,分析了14个参数,即:温度,pH,电导率;浊度 水的透明度和深度;溶解氧 叶绿素a,氨,亚硝酸盐,硝酸盐,总磷和溶解磷; 大肠菌群和大肠杆菌。空间分析表明,微盆地的人工面积约为84%,重点是农业以及工业,养鱼业和生活污水造成的污染源。参数分析显示总磷值较高(0.005–27.55 mg.L 总磷和溶解磷;大肠菌群和大肠杆菌。空间分析表明,微盆地的人工面积约为84%,重点是农业以及工业,养鱼业和生活污水造成的污染源。参数分析显示总磷值较高(0.005–27.55 mg.L 总磷和溶解磷;大肠菌群和大肠杆菌。空间分析表明,微盆地的人工面积约为84%,重点是农业以及工业,养鱼业和生活污水造成的污染源。参数分析显示总磷值较高(0.005–27.55 mg.L-1),大肠菌群(4,103–1,09,106 CFU)和大肠杆菌(0–5.8,105 CFU)以及低DO浓度(0.0–8.33 mg.L -1),均低于所有时期确定的官方限值分析发现IgarapéNazaré微流域的水质受到强烈的人类干扰,需要改善吉帕拉纳市的卫生基础设施,以维护第2类流域。