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No country for native crayfish: importance of crustaceans in the diet of native and alien Northern raccoons
Ethology Ecology & Evolution ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2021.1872710
Luca Boncompagni 1 , Marco Molfini 2 , Paola Ciampelli 3 , Paola Fazzi 4 , Marco Lucchesi 5 , Emiliano Mori 6 , Lorenzo Petralia 3 , Giuseppe Mazza 1

The Northern raccoon Procyon lotor is a native mesocarnivore of North America which has been introduced to many Eurasian countries, where invasive populations currently occur. Regarding Italy, the species is present in Lombardy and in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park (Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna). In this work, we conducted a review on food habits of the Northern raccoon both in the native and in the introduced ranges, and we firstly reported the evidence on the impact of this species on native crayfish in Central Italy. We retrieved 18 papers published between 1932 and 2020, 14 from the native range and four from the invasive range. We analysed the frequency of occurrence of nine food categories (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, crustaceans, fruits, and others). After fruits, crustaceans (where available) were the main food items detected in raccoon scats (up to 60% of the total diet, in the frequency of occurrence). In September 2019, we detected a total of 37 dead adult freshwater white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes complex in Central Italy, with evident signs of predation by the Northern raccoon. The local population of Northern raccoon is fast expanding its range, whereas the local population of A. pallipes complex is declining. This crayfish species is protected by national and international laws. Thus, a monitoring program involving all stakeholders and institutions dealing with in environmental management, aiming at removing all raccoons currently present in this area of Central Italy, should be carried out in the short term to limit the potential impacts exerted by the fast-spreading of this invasive mammal.



北浣熊Procyon lotor是北美本土的中型食肉动物,已被引入许多欧亚国家,这些国家目前存在入侵种群。在意大利,该物种存在于伦巴第大区和森林卡森蒂内西国家公园(托斯卡纳和艾米利亚-罗马涅)。在这项工作中,我们对北方浣熊在本地和引进范围内的饮食习性进行了审查,我们首先报告了该物种对意大利中部本地小龙虾的影响的证据。我们检索了 1932 年至 2020 年间发表的 18 篇论文,其中 14 篇来自本地范围,4 篇来自侵入范围。我们分析了九种食物类别(哺乳动物、鸟类、爬行动物、两栖动物、鱼类、昆虫、甲壳类动物、水果等)的出现频率。水果过后,甲壳类动物(如果有)是在浣熊粪便中检测到的主要食物项目(按发生频率高达总饮食的 60%)。2019年9月,我们共检测到37只成年淡水白爪小龙虾死亡意大利中部的Austropotamobius pallipes复合体,有明显的北浣熊捕食迹象。北方浣熊的当地种群正在迅速扩大其范围,而A. pallipes complex的当地种群正在下降。这种小龙虾物种受到国家和国际法律的保护。因此,应在短期内实施一项涉及所有利益相关者和环境管理机构的监测计划,旨在清除目前存在于意大利中部这一地区的所有浣熊,以限制快速传播的潜在影响。这种入侵哺乳动物。
