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M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curves in boys and men
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1002/jdn.10099
Enzo Piponnier 1, 2 , Sébastien Ratel 1 , Emeric Chalchat 1 , Bastien Bontemps 1 , Olivia Bocock 3 , Valérie Julian 3 , Martine Duclos 3 , Vincent Martin 1, 4

The aim of the present study was to check whether the M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curves differ between prepubertal boys and men. Eleven boys (9–11 yr) and eleven men (18–35 yr) were magnetically stimulated at the tibial nerve in a prone position. M‐wave and H‐reflex maximal amplitudes (Hmax; Mmax; Hmax/Mmax), thresholds, regression slopes (Hslp; Mslp; Hslp/Mslp) were extracted from M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curves and compared between the two age groups. Overall, no significant difference in M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curve parameters was found between the two populations. Nevertheless, the size of the M‐wave associated with maximal H‐reflex amplitude was lower in boys as compared to men when expressed relative to maximal M‐wave amplitude (MHmax/Mmax: 0.18 ± 0.06 vs. 0.31 ± 0.13; p < .05). This result suggests that the development of peripheral nerve was completed in 9 to 11‐year‐old boys and did not affect the M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curves parameters. In neuromuscular function studies, it implies that Hmax/Mmax and Hslp/Mslp could be used indifferently to compare spinal motoneuron excitability between 9–11‐year‐old boys and men. Conversely, evoking H‐reflexes at a given percentage of Mmax may bias the comparison between boys and men.


男孩和男人的 M 波和 H 反射募集曲线

本研究的目的是检查青春期前男孩和男性的 M 波和 H 反射募集曲线是否不同。11 名男孩(9-11 岁)和 11 名男性(18-35 岁)以俯卧位对胫神经进行磁刺激。M 波和 H 反射最大振幅(H max; M max;H max / M max)、阈值、回归斜率(H slp ; M slp ; H slp / M slp) 是从 M 波和 H 反射募集曲线中提取的,并在两个年龄组之间进行比较。总体而言,两个群体之间没有发现 M 波和 H 反射募集曲线参数的显着差异。然而,当相对于最大 M 波振幅表示时,与最大 H 反射振幅相关的 M 波大小在男孩中低于男性(M Hmax / M max : 0.18 ± 0.06 vs. 0.31 ± 0.13; p  <.05)。这一结果表明,周围神经的发育在 9 至 11 岁男孩中完成,并且不影响 M 波和 H 反射募集曲线参数。在神经肌肉功能研究中,这意味着 H max / M max和 H slp/ M slp可用于比较 9-11 岁男孩和男性的脊髓运动神经元兴奋性。相反,在 M max的给定百分比下引起 H 反射可能会使男孩和男人之间的比较产生偏差。