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Conservation Biology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13695

The Making of an Ecologist: My Career in Alaska Wildlife Management and Conservation. Klein, D.R. 2019. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, AK, U.S.A. 516 pp. US$34.95 (paperback). ISBN 978‐1‐602‐2339‐1.

Do you know how to airdrop a plant press to a remote camp? Would you be able to build a sauna on a deserted island? Could you tell apart gasoline and lab alcohol if these were in unlabeled bottles? Granted, the above skills are not essential for most of us, but it makes a lot of fun to read about such stories. David R. Klein became fascinated by Arctic landscapes, animals, and peoples after he arrived in Alaska in 1947. For Klein, Alaska was “the ultimate North American adventure.” The Making of an Ecologist is more than just an autobiography. The book offers insights into the natural history of Alaska and tells the story of the nature‐‐human relationship in the region. Klein describes how good science can and should support conservation decisions. Chapters are organized into three main parts. The first is an enjoyable and mostly chronological account of Klein's childhood and the beginnings of his professional career. In the second, the author uses a thematic approach to describe his research activity. The third part is the weakest because the author discusses philosophical and ethical questions that he has considerably less experience with than ecology. Following references to Aristotle and Kant and a superficial discussion of the philosophy of Albert Schweitzer, I was sad to read Klein's conclusion that only humans are part of the moral sphere. In this archaic view, humans are allowed to mistreat or even brutally torture animals as long as no humans are negatively affected by these acts. Not only is this conclusion counterintuitive, but Klein also seems to overlook that the anthropocentric view he supports has been the very cause of the unscrupulous exploitation of nature and nonhuman beings in the Arctic, just like everywhere else on our planet.

Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas: Conservation and Management. Finlayson, C. M., A. H. Arthington, and J. Pittock, editors. 2018. Routledge, New York, NY, U.S.A. 279 pp. US$150.85 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐415‐78700‐0.

Wetland conservation is a specific focus for International Union for Conservation of Nature, yet there is an imprecise inventory of such areas globally and a continuing threat to their biodiversity. The authors, comparing wetland areas covered by the Ramsar Convention and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, show a discrepancy due to underestimates and geopolitical differences. The discussion of the most problematic management issues, such as the use of rivers and streams bordering protected areas (PAs), the conservation of particular species, conflicts, and synergies between freshwater species and other management practices, (e.g., herbicide use, prescribed burning, use of fire in the surroundings) is useful. The authors claim that the solution is to focus conservation at the level of ecological communities, ecosystems, and habitats. This book is an enlightening guide to show how managers can develop and improve the practice of freshwater ecosystem conservation in PAs. The authors are optimistic, writing that the importance of both conservation and restoration of freshwater PAs will be recognized by civic authorities and the wider society and that practice can be improved if communication is be based on 5 high‐level ecological concepts: catchment, water regimes, connectivity, aquatic biodiversity, and ecological resilience. A focus on river catchments would incorporate aquatic and terrestrial coverage in planning and is more attractive to a larger number of stakeholders. Socioecological systems must follow adaptive management to attend sustainable models in the face of disturbances, interest conflicts, planetary boundaries, and climate change. In general, this book provides a new perspective on adaptive management and prospects for a more effective global biodiversity conservation.

Population Dynamics for Conservation. Botsford L. W., J. Wilson White, and A. Hastings. 2019. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. xii +338 pp. £34.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐19‐875836‐5.

This primer on population dynamics theory and its applications introduce the reader to the mathematical tools necessary to construct analytical models of plant and animal population dynamics. A high‐school‐level understanding of mathematics is needed to be able to grasp the theory presented, even though the mathematical excursions in the book are short and to the point. Advanced mathematical concepts, such as eigenvectors, Jacobian matrices, and Fourier transformations, are explained when applicable. All examples, richly illustrated with instructive figures, were generated by MATLAB scripts that are available for download. The book stays mostly in the realm of theoretical biology, the various aspects of which are treated from a mathematical perspective and are supported by illustrative examples of their application. Surprisingly, the majority of these applications do not concern conservation science. Only chapters 10 and 11 focus on conservation (the latter on marine conservation). Most of the applications are from the marine environment, as hinted at by the sea turtle on the front cover. The book will be useful as either a textbook for students or as a reference for experienced researchers.

Biodemography. An Introduction to Concepts and Methods. Carey, J. R., and D. A. Roach. 2020. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. xxxiii + 447 pp. US$60.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐12900‐6.

In conservation science, one works with the analysis and management of populations. This authoritative book provides students a solid foundation for their education but will also challenge the routines of even experienced researchers. The authors intelligently combine the disciplines of demography and biology. The exposition is so clear that one cannot escape the authors' logic. The complexities of real nature—which textbooks usually skate over—are addressed directly. The authors excel at confronting this complexity and providing straightforward methods to deal with it. The biologist will find well‐known concepts, such as life tables, population dynamics, and mark‐recapture experiments, presented authoritatively in a larger framework than usual, cross‐fertilized by inputs from human demography. The book comes rich with examples of practical applications, illustrations, extensive data sets, and worked examples of data analysis. The book shows how far one can go in quantitative analysis relying only on basic mathematics. This simplicity of the mathematical exposition allows readers to direct all their intellectual powers at understanding the logic and relevance of the methods presented. This is not a book on conservation, as such, but it will help researchers ensure their work is on par with the new standard set here.

A Practical Guide for Genetic Management of Fragmented Animal and Plant Populations. Frankham, R., J. D. Ballou, K. Ralls, M. D. B. Eldridge, M. R. Dudash, C. B. Fenster, R. C. Lacy, and P. Sunnucks. 2019. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. xxii + 174 pp. £34.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐19‐878342‐8.

The authors provide an introductory text for upper‐level undergraduate and junior graduate students and wildlife managers with limited knowledge of conservation genetics. This is a shorter and simpler version of a similar volume by Frankham et al., Genetic Management of Fragmented Animal and Plant Populations, published in 2017. The topics covered are approached with a more practical view, providing a more concise background to the genetic issues in fragmented populations. The book does not go deep into specific arguments and does not deal with advanced topics in molecular population genetics. Another limitation is that the authors focus mainly on diploid species and only briefly consider polyploid and self‐fertilizing species. There are 9 chapters. The first 5 present concepts and provide background material, and the last 4 deal with genetic management, decision trees, objectives, and questions. The topic of this book is important because the extent of habitat fragmentation and destruction has become very serious.

Saving the Dammed: Why We Need Beaver‐Modified Ecosystems. Wohl, E. 2019. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. viii + 164 pp. £22.95 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐190‐94‐352‐3.

Beavers and humans are coexisting engineers of floodplains. Toponyms, such as Beverly (beaver lea, beaver meadow), remind us of the magnitude of historical landscape alterations by beavers. The meadow along the North St. Vrain Creek (named after a beaver trapper) is an example of a place where beavers can work freely. It is in this meadow that the reader joins the author on her monthly walks, experiencing deep snow, warm sun, mosquitoes, swamp smell, and fascinating stories about beavers’ work. Readers learn how sedimentation and hydrology changes as a consequence of dam building and how the impact of beaver dams on water and minerals modify chemical reactions that affect microscopic organisms, and, consequently, plant and animal communities. For some Native American tribes, beavers were thought to have helped the Great Spirit shape the world, whereas today people trying to restore streams join forces with beavers. We need this cooperation after the Great Drying, a period when humans drained >80% of the wetlands in North America and Europe. The author misses the opportunity to delve deep into how Native Americans lived together with the beaver, although it is mentioned that cultural taboos against overhunting allowed beaver populations to thrive prior to European contact. A more detailed discussion of the interactions between beavers and invasive species is also missing. These interactions are an emerging but understudied research field. This book shows how profoundly beavers contribute to ecosystem functioning and thus human well‐being. Chapters of the book are perfect starting points for group discussions on the complex workings of nature.

Shepherding Nature: The Challenge of Conservation Reliance. Scott, J. M., J. A. Wiens, B. Horne, and D. D. Goble. 2020. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. xviii +383 pp. £29.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐1‐108‐43433‐1.

The authors suggest rethinking species conservation on a spectrum bounded by two extremes: species that are no longer imperiled and extinct species. The authors bring together their own experience with wildlife conservation in the United States, as well as of other researchers and practitioners around the world. The Californian Condor's (Gymnogyps californianus) conservation history shows how the species required drastic measures to avoid its imminent extinction. Throughout the book, the authors make a special effort to show the wide range of situations that practitioners have to face to successfully conserve species. They show how species affected by a single threat have a greater chance of recovery than species facing multiple threats. The latter could warrant concerted actions (i.e., long‐term conservation work and more money). The potential readers of the book are mainly conservation practitioners, researches, and students. Authors describe the role of policy and law (e.g., international agreements and goals, International Union for Conservation of Nature categories, and the U.S. Endangered Species Act); in situ and ex situ conservation tools (translocations, captive breeding and release, and tracking); and ways to make tough decisions when factoring in uncertainty (i.e., prioritization and adaptive management). As an overall take‐home message, the authors give tips on how to be a good shepherd. However, they do not take into account the genetic implications of shepherding nature (i.e., genetic erosion, inbreeding, etc.), which is a critical issue in restoration ecology. The book contains case studies detailing the decisions made to make a species self‐sustaining (or the failures that caused them to become extinct). These examples are important because historically scientific journals have not published such information. The authors could have made a better effort to invite Latin American and African scientists or practitioners to present study cases. Including more examples from the Global South is important because these regions often support a large diversity of imperiled species in countries afflicted by poor governance. Therefore, to put imperiled wildlife in the self‐sustaining zone, practitioners in the Global South face more challenges than those in the Global North, and their experiences would have been useful to read.

Soil Fauna Assemblages: Global to Local Scales. Nielsen, U. N. 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U. K. xiv +365 pp. £34.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐1‐316‐64210‐8.

“The ground under your feet not only carries you, it also holds you.” This statement, by renowned Hungarian soil scientist Pal Stefanovits, is pertinent today because the surface of biomass‐producing land is precipitously shrinking. The importance of soil cannot be overemphasized: it is the basis of terrestrial life. As several chapters of Soil Fauna Assemblages point out, soil biology is not merely about “life under our feet”: the importance of above‐ and belowground linkages or the impacts of climate change on soil fauna are essential drivers in soil processes, currently and in the future. To understand the spatiotemporal changes in the soil from microsopic to landscape scales may be the key to sustainable agronomy and thereby to future human well‐being. This is what makes the book timely. The book has 9 thematic chapters. The methodological overview details the traditional and some new analytical tools to study soil organisms including high throughput sequencing (HTS) and variance partitioning in statistical analyses. These novel technologies hold promise to improve understanding of soil faunal assemblages and large‐scale biogeographical patterns influenced by ecological and geological factors. The authors demonstrate current understanding of the succession of belowground biota and their relevance to the restoration of degraded sites. The final chapter discusses the potential future of soil faunal assemblages, their conservation, and management of soil biodiversity for the purposes of sustainable land management. This volume is not only a high‐level overview, but a must read for those who want to gain a sound and detailed understanding of the secrets of soil fauna.

Phylogenetic Ecology: A History, Critique, and Remodeling. Swenson, N. G. 2019. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. xi+216 pp. US$40.00 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐226‐67150‐5.

Over the past few decades, ecologists and evolutionary biologists have made significant efforts to tighten the connection between ecology and evolutionary history through the integration of phylogenetic information in ecological patterns and processes and vice versa. With an engaging and well‐documented narrative, Nathan G. Swenson covers the basics of phylogenetic ecology and challenges those in his field of expertise to remodel and adjust to a new paradigm. In a book suitable for both young researchers and more seasoned phylogenetic ecologists, the author guides readers through the history of the field, outlining the fundamental and emerging concepts, strengths and weaknesses, tools, methods, and key empirical developments. Swenson summarizes and guides phylogenetic ecology's remodeling in 5 very well‐defined foci that aim for successful intertwining of ecology, evolutionary biology, and biogeography. According to the author, this new field should be built on a foundation of phylogenetically informed analyses of ecology and biogeography, rather than on phylogenies as ecological similarity proxies. This renewed phylogenetic ecology proposed by Swenson is set to provide a fundamental framework for major issues, not only in ecology and evolutionary biology, but also in biodiversity conservation because it will provide a deeper knowledge of the structure and functioning of the ecosystem, which is essential to successful conservation. As an evolutionary biologist, I found this remarkably well‐written book as informative and educational as it is captivating and inspiring.

Computing Skills for Biologists: A Toolbox. Allesina, S., and M. Wilmes. 2019. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. xxii + 418 pp. US$45.00 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐18‐275‐9.

Once we have learned to use a program—be that for statistical analyses or for typesetting—rarely do we decide to invest time to study another program. Unfortunately, we usually approach the easiest solution first but this is seldom the best one. This book offers an overview of several tools for biologists that are universally considered more convenient than their more popular counterparts: Unix, Git, Python, Latex, R, and SQLite. All these pieces of software are free (cost and license wise) and are so flexible and powerful that, despite their steep learning curve, many researchers can no longer imagine their lives without them. The authors engage the reader even when the explanation is complicated. Although the book offers only a limited—though well‐organized—overview of what can be done with each tool, it encourages the reader to further explore these programs. Every chapter provides indispensable external links, and on the companion website of the book it is possible to get help to set up all software, download codes and figures, report errors, and more. The authors wanted an economical book with few figures, a thoughtful choice that does not impair understanding.



生态学家的培养:我在阿拉斯加野生动物管理和保护中的职业。克莱恩(Klein),DR 2019年。阿拉斯加大学出版社,美国阿肯色州费尔班克斯516页,34.95美元(平装)。ISBN 978-1-602-2339-1。

您知道如何将植物压榨机空投到偏远的营地吗?您能在荒凉的岛屿上建造桑拿浴室吗?您能否区分汽油和实验室酒精是否装在未贴标签的瓶子中?诚然,上述技能对我们大多数人来说并不是必不可少的,但阅读此类故事很有趣。戴维·克莱因(David R. Klein)于1947年到达阿拉斯加后就对北极的风景,动物和人民着迷。对于克莱因来说,阿拉斯加是“北美的终极冒险之旅”。的一位生态学家的制作不只是一部自传。这本书提供了对阿拉斯加自然历史的深刻见解,并讲述了该地区自然与人的关系的故事。克莱因(Klein)描述了良好的科学能够并且应该支持保护决策。各章分为三个主要部分。首先是对克莱因的童年及其职业生涯的开始的一种有趣的且主要是按时间顺序的叙述。在第二篇中,作者使用一种主题方法来描述他的研究活动。第三部分是最薄弱的部分,因为作者讨论的哲学和道德问题比生态学经验要少得多。继亚里士多德和康德和史怀哲哲学的一个粗浅的讨论引用,我很伤心浏览Klein' 结论是只有人类才是道德领域的一部分。按照这种过时的观点,只要没有人受到这些行为的负面影响,就可以允许他们虐待甚至残酷地折磨动物。这个结论不仅违反直觉,而且克莱因似乎还忽略了他所支持的以人类为中心的观点,正是对北极和地球上其他任何地方对自然和非人类进行无良剥削的原因。

保护区的淡水生态系统:保护和管理。Finlayson,CM,AH Arthington和J. Pittock,编辑。2018.Routledge,纽约,纽约,美国279页,150.85美元(精装)。ISBN 978-0-415-78700-0。

湿地保护是国际自然保护联盟的特别关注重点,但全球此类区域的清单不准确,对其生物多样性的持续威胁。作者在比较《拉姆萨尔公约》和《爱知生物多样性目标》所涵盖的湿地面积时,发现由于低估和地缘政治差异而存在差异。讨论最棘手的管理问题,例如使用与保护区接壤的河流,保护特定物种,冲突以及淡水物种与其他管理实践之间的协同作用(例如除草剂的使用,规定的焚烧) ,在周围环境中使用火)非常有用。作者声称,解决方案是将保护重点放在生态群落,生态系统和栖息地的层次上。这本书是一本有启发性的指南,向您展示了管理人员如何开发和改善保护区淡水生态系统保护的实践。作者乐观地写道,保护和恢复淡水PA的重要性将得到市政当局和整个社会的认可,并且如果交流基于5个高层生态概念(集水区,水利状况)进行交流,实践将得到改善。 ,连通性,水生生物多样性和生态适应力。对河流集水区的关注将把水生和陆地覆盖纳入规划中,并且对更多的利益相关者更具吸引力。面对动荡,利益冲突,行星边界和气候变化,社会生态系统必须遵循适应性管理,以采用可持续发展的模式。一般来说,

保护的种群动态。Botsford LW,J。Wilson White和A.Hastings。2019.牛津大学出版社,英国牛津xii +338 pp.34.99英镑(平装)。ISBN 978-0-0-19-875836-5。


生物人口统计学。概念和方法概论。Carey,JR和DA Roach。2020年。普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿xxxiii + 447页.60.00美元(精装)。ISBN 978-0-691-12900-6。


-动植物零散种群遗传管理的实用指南。Frankham,R.,JD Ballou,K.Ralls,MDB Eldridge,MR Dudash,CB Fenster,RC Lacy和P.Sunnucks。2019.牛津大学出版社,英国牛津xxii + 174页.34.99英镑(平装)。ISBN 978-0-0-19-878342-8。


拯救该死的人:为什么我们需要海狸修饰的生态系统。Wohl,E.,2019.牛津大学出版社,英国牛津viii + 164页,22.95英镑(精装本)。ISBN 978-0-190-94-352-3。


放牧自然保护依托的挑战。Scott,JM,JA Wiens,B.Horne和DD Goble。2020.剑桥大学出版社,英国剑桥xviii +383 pp.29.99英镑(平装)。ISBN 978-1-108-43433-1。

作者建议在两个极端的范围内重新思考物种保护:不再受威胁的物种和灭绝的物种。作者汇集了他们在美国以及世界各地其他研究人员和从业人员在野生动植物保护方面的经验。加州秃鹰(Gymnogyps californianus)保护历史显示了该物种如何采取严厉措施来避免其即将灭绝。在整本书中,作者都​​做出了特殊的努力,以展示从业人员成功保护物种所必须面对的各种情况。它们表明受单一威胁影响的物种比面对多重威胁的物种具有更大的恢复机会。后者可能需要采取协调一致的行动(例如,长期的保护工作和更多的资金)。该书的潜在读者主要是保护实践者,研究人员和学生。作者描述了政策和法律的作用(例如,国际协议和目标,国际自然保护联盟类别以及《美国濒危物种法》);原生境和非原生境保护工具(易位,圈养繁殖和释放,和跟踪);以及在考虑不确定性时做出艰难决定的方法(即,优先级和适应性管理)。作为总的收获,作者提供了如何成为好牧羊人的提示。但是,它们没有考虑到放牧自然的遗传影响(即遗传侵蚀,近交等),这是恢复生态学中的关键问题。该书包含一些案例研究,详细说明了使物种自我维持的决策(或导致物种灭绝的失败)。这些示例非常重要,因为历史上科学期刊尚未发布此类信息。作者本可以更好地邀请拉丁美洲和非洲的科学家或从业人员介绍研究案例。包括更多来自全球南方的例子很重要,因为这些地区经常在治理不善的国家支持受威胁物种的多样性。因此,要将濒临灭绝的野生动植物放到自给自足的地区,与南方北方的野生动植物相比,南方南方的野生动物面临更多的挑战,他们的经验将很有帮助。

土壤动物群落:全球尺度至局部尺度。Nielsen,联合国2019年。剑桥大学出版社,英国剑桥xiv +365页,34.99英镑(平装)。ISBN 978-1-316-64210-8。

“脚下的地面不仅可以支撑您,还可以支撑您。” 匈牙利著名土壤科学家帕尔·斯蒂法诺维茨(Pal Stefanovits)的这一声明在今天具有现实意义,因为生物量生产用地的面积正在急剧缩小。土壤的重要性不能过分强调:它是地球生命的基础。作为土壤动物群落的几章指出,土壤生物学不仅仅是关于“脚下的生活”:地上和地下联系的重要性或气候变化对土壤动物的影响是当前和未来土壤过程的重要驱动力。了解土壤从微观到时空尺度的时空变化可能是可持续农艺学以及未来人类福祉的关键。这就是使本书适时的原因。本书有9个主题章节。方法概述详细介绍了用于研究土壤生物的传统分析工具和一些新分析工具,包括高通量测序(HTS)和统计分析中的方差划分。这些新颖的技术有望提高人们对受生态和地质因素影响的土壤动物群落和大规模生物地理格局的认识。作者展示了对地下生物群演替及其与退化地点恢复的相关性的当前理解。最后一章讨论了以可持续土地管理为目的的土壤动物群落的潜在未来,它们的保护以及土壤生物多样性的管理。该书不仅是高层次的概述,还是那些想要全面了解土壤动物秘密的人必读的书。

进化生态学一个 历史,批判和重构。Swenson,NG,2019年。芝加哥大学出版社,美国伊利诺伊州,芝加哥xi + 216页,40.00美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-226-67150-5。

在过去的几十年中,生态学家和进化生物学家通过将系统进化信息整合到生态模式和过程中,反之亦然,为加强生态学与进化史之间的联系做出了巨大的努力。内森·斯文森(Nathan G. Swenson)通过引人入胜且记录充分的叙述,论述了系统发育生态学的基础知识,并向其专业领域的专家提出挑战,以重塑和适应新的范式。在既适合年轻研究人员又适合经验丰富的系统发育生态学家的书中,作者指导读者浏览该领域的历史,概述了基本的和新兴的概念,优点和缺点,工具,方法和主要的经验发展。斯文森总结并指导了系统发育生态学 在五个非常明确的焦点上进行了重塑,目的是成功地将生态学,进化生物学和生物地理学相互融合。作者认为,这个新领域应该建立在对生态学和生物地理学进行系统学分析的基础上,而不是在作为生态相似性代理的系统学上。Swenson提出的这种新的系统发育生态学将为主要问题提供基本框架,不仅在生态学和进化生物学方面,而且还在生物多样性保护方面,因为它将提供对生态系统的结构和功能的更深入的了解,这是必不可少的成功的保护。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。和生物地理学。作者认为,这个新领域应该建立在对生态学和生物地理学进行系统学分析的基础上,而不是在作为生态相似性代理的系统学上。Swenson提出的这种新的系统发育生态学将为主要问题提供基本框架,不仅在生态学和进化生物学方面,而且还在生物多样性保护方面,因为它将提供对生态系统的结构和功能的更深入的了解,这是必不可少的成功的保护。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。和生物地理学。作者认为,这个新领域应该建立在对生态学和生物地理学进行系统学分析的基础上,而不是在作为生态相似性代理的系统学上。Swenson提出的这种新的系统发育生态学将为主要问题提供基本框架,不仅在生态学和进化生物学方面,而且还在生物多样性保护方面,因为它将提供对生态系统的结构和功能的更深入的了解,这是必不可少的成功的保护。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。而不是在系统发育上作为生态相似性代理。Swenson提出的这种新的系统发育生态学将为主要问题提供基本框架,不仅在生态学和进化生物学方面,而且还在生物多样性保护方面,因为它将提供对生态系统的结构和功能的更深入的了解,这是必不可少的成功的保护。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。而不是以系统相似性作为生态相似性代理。Swenson提出的这种新的系统发育生态学将为主要问题提供基本框架,不仅在生态学和进化生物学方面,而且还在生物多样性保护方面,因为它将提供对生态系统的结构和功能的更深入的了解,这是必不可少的成功的保护。作为一名进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜又富有启发性,既具有启发性又具有教育意义。而且还涉及生物多样性保护,因为它将为生态系统的结构和功能提供更深入的知识,这对于成功的保护至关重要。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。而且还涉及生物多样性保护,因为它将为生态系统的结构和功能提供更深入的知识,这对于成功的保护至关重要。作为进化生物学家,我发现这本写得很好的书既引人入胜,又富有启发性,具有教育意义。

生物学家的计算技能:工具箱。Allesina,S。和M. Wilmes。2019.普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿xxii + 418页,45.00美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-691-18-275-9。

