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Late Triassic contractional tectonics in the overriding plate of the Sulu orogenic belt, Eastern China
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228793
Lingtong Meng , Wei Lin

It is well known that the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt resulted from the northward continental subduction of the South China Block (SCB) beneath the North China Block (NCB) during the Triassic. Correlating the deformation events recorded in the subducted and overriding plates is essential to understand its tectonic evolution, but related deformation is poorly documented in the overriding plate. In this contribution, we present detailed structural analysis, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), and geochronological data in the Linsishan unit of the Jiaobei massif, the overriding plate of the Sulu orogenic belt. The Linsishan unit preserves a significant ductile deformation characterized by NNW-, NE-, or SE-dipping foliations with NE–SW trending mineral lineations. Coupling mesoscopic and magnetic fabrics augment the NE–SW linear structures. The NE-dipping monoclinal structures with top-to-SW kinematics could be interpreted as a SW-directed thrusting, the deformation temperature of which is 350–450 °C according to the quartz c-axis fabrics. The timing of deformation is constrained to be 223–221 Ma based on 40Ar/39Ar dating of the deformed rocks and linked with a syn-collisional stage in the Sulu orogenic belt. Combining these new results with previous works, we propose a three-stage evolution model for the Sulu orogenic belt, namely (1) subducted SCB experienced ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism before 230 Ma; (2) SW-directed thrusting was developed in the overriding plate, coeval with the syn-collisional exhumation of UHP rocks during 230–220 Ma; (3) post-collisional migmatization, magmatism, extension, and UHP rocks exhumation took place at 220–205 Ma.



众所周知,大别-苏鲁造山带是三叠纪期间华北地块(NCB)之下的华南地块(SCB)向北大陆俯冲的结果。关联记录在俯冲板块和上覆板块中的变形事件对于理解其构造演化是必不可少的,但是相关的变形却很少在上覆板块中得到记录。在这项贡献中,我们介绍了苏鲁造山带上覆板胶北断块的临寺山单元的详细结构分析,磁化率各向异性(AMS)和地质年代学数据。Linsishan单元保留了明显的韧性变形,其特征是NNW-,NE-或SE浸入叶面以及NE-SW趋向矿物线。介观织物和磁性织物的耦合增强了NE–SW线性结构。具有从顶到SW运动学的NE浸渍的单斜构造可以解释为SW定向的冲断,根据石英c轴织物,其变形温度为350–450°C。变形的时间被限制在223–221 Ma,这是基于40氩气/ 39变形岩石Ar测和与链接顺式苏鲁造山带-collisional阶段。将这些新结果与先前的工作相结合,我们提出了苏鲁造山带的三阶段演化模型,即(1)俯冲的SCB在230 Ma之前经历了超高压(UHP)变质作用;(2)SW-定向推力是在覆盖板显影,同时代与顺式期间230-220马超高压岩石-collisional折返; (3)碰撞后的迁移,岩浆作用,伸展和超高压岩石的发掘发生在220-205 Ma。
