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Review of the waspfish genus Neocentropogon (Tetrarogidae), with a key to genera in the family
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00796-w
Sirikanya Chungthanawong 1 , Hiroyuki Motomura 2

A taxonomic review of the waspfish genus Neocentropogon Matsubara 1943 (Tetrarogidae), diagnosed by the following combination of characters: body sparsely covered with small embedded cycloid scales, palatine teeth present, XIII–XVI dorsal-fin spines, the first dorsal fin originating above the orbit, five pelvic-fin soft rays, and membrane of lower four pectoral-fin rays deeply incised, resulted in the recognition of six species: Neocentropogon aeglefinus (Weber 1913), Neocentropogon affinis (Lloyd 1909a), Neocentropogon japonicus Matsubara 1943, Neocentropogon mesedai Klausewitz 1985, Neocentropogon profundus (Smith 1958), and Neocentropogon trimaculatus Chan 1966. Neocentropogon trimaculatus (anti-tropically distributed in East Asia and Australia) can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of three dark blotches on the body (vs. absent or a single blotch); N. affinis (eastern Indian Ocean) and N. aeglefinus (Philippines to Australia) differ from other congeners in having a black blotch behind the opercle (vs. blotch absent), with the former distinguishable from the latter by dorsal rows of dark spots on the body, and pectoral and caudal fins (vs. spots absent), and 79–96 scale rows in the longitudinal series (vs. 94–137); N. mesedai (Red Sea) differs from N. profundus (southwestern Indian Ocean) and N. japonicus (northwestern Pacific Ocean) in having the lowermost four pectoral-fin rays elongated and XIII (vs. XIV–XVI) dorsal-fin spines, the latter species being separated by the symphyseal knob condition (unremarkable, N. profundus vs. pronounced, N. japonicus), dark dorsal spots on the body (vs. absent), and 5 anal-fin soft rays (vs. 6 or 7). Keys to the genera of Tetrarogidae and species of Neocentropogon are given, including taxonomic status of Vespicula Jordan and Richardson 1910 and Pseudovespicula Mandrytsa 2001.


黄蜂属 Neocentropogon (Tetrarogidae) 的回顾,以及该科属的关键

黄蜂属Neocentropogon Matsubara 1943 (Tetrarogidae) 的分类学综述,由以下特征组合诊断:身体稀疏地覆盖着小的嵌入式摆线鳞片,存在腭齿,XIII-XVI 背鳍棘,第一背鳍起源于轨道、5 条腹鳍软条和下部 4 条胸鳍条的膜深切,导致识别出 6 个物种:Neocentropogon aeglefinus (Weber 1913)、Neocentropogon affinis (Lloyd 1909a)、Neocentropogon japonicus Matsubara 1943、Neocentropogon mesedai Klausewitz 1985, Neocentropogon profundus (Smith 1958), 和Neocentropogon trimaculatusChan 1966. Neocentropogon trimaculatus(反热带分布于东亚和澳大利亚)可以通过身体上存在三个黑色斑点(相对于不存在或单个斑点)与其同类物区分开来;N. affinis(东印度洋)和N. aeglefinus(菲律宾到澳大利亚)与其他同类的区别在于鳃盖后面有一个黑色斑点(相对于没有斑点),前者与后者的区别在于背面的黑斑行身体、胸鳍和尾鳍(与无斑点相比),以及纵向系列中的 79-96 鳞片行(与 94-137 相比);N. mesedai(红海)不同于N. profundus(西南印度洋)和N. japonicus(西北太平洋)具有拉长的最低四个胸鳍射线和 XIII(与 XIV-XVI 相比)背鳍刺,后一种物种由 symphyseal 旋钮条件分开(不起眼,N. profundus vs.显着,N . japonicus),身体上的深色背斑(相对于不存在)和 5 条臀鳍软射线(相对于 6 或 7)。给出了 Tetrarogidae 属和Neocentropogon种的关键信息,包括Vespicula Jordan 和 Richardson 1910 和Pseudovespicula Mandrytsa 2001 的分类地位。
