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Cleome hassleriana plants fully support the development and reproduction of Nesidiocoris tenuis
BioControl ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10526-021-10079-6
Ryohei Nakano , Taiki Morita , Yuta Okamoto , Ayaka Fujiwara , Takehiko Yamanaka , Tetsuya Adachi-Hagimori

Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a zoophytophagous predator that feeds on plants as well as prey. Several non-crop host plant species have been used to maintain this mirid as a biological control agent in different crop systems. To evaluate the benefit of these non-crop host plants on biological control services, data on the life-history traits of N. tenuis on these plants are important as fundamental information. Herein, we studied the demographic growth parameters of N. tenuis reared on three alternative non-crop host plants (Cleome hassleriana Chod., Brassicales: Cleomaceae; Verbena × hybrida Voss, Lamiales: Verbenaceae; and Sesamum indicum L., Lamiales: Pedaliaceae) and one crop plant (tomato) in the absence of prey under laboratory conditions (25 ± 1 °C, 16:8 h L:D). The estimated intrinsic rate of increase in each plant was significantly greater in the following order: S. indicum (0.094) > C. hassleriana (0.074) > tomato (−0.002) > Verbena × hybrida (−0.060). The results indicated that C. hassleriana and S. indicum were able to fully support the development and reproduction of N. tenuis with nutrients derived from only its plant tissues, whereas Verbena × hybrida and tomato were not. Our findings revealed that C. hassleriana is a promising resource for the conservation or mass rearing of N. tenuis besides S. indicum.


Cleome hassleriana植物完全支持Nesidiocoris tenuis的发育和繁殖

Nesidiocoris tenuis(Reuter)(Hemiptera:Miridae)是一种以植物和猎物为食的食草食肉动物。几种非农作物寄主植物已被用来在不同的农作物系统中维持这种生物素作为生物防治剂。为了评估这些非农作物寄主植物在生物防治服务上的利益,有关这些植物的特有猪笼草的生活史特征的数据作为基础信息很重要。在本文中,我们研究的人口增长参数N.细叶饲养在三个替代非作物的宿主植物(白花菜hassleriana施身法,白花菜:醉蝶花科;马鞭草 × 矮牵牛沃斯,唇形目:马鞭草;和芝麻L.,Lamiales:Pedaliaceae)和一种农作物(番茄),在实验室条件下(25±1°C,L:D 16:8 h)没有猎物。在每个植物增加的估计固有率为按以下顺序显著更大:S.野菊(0.094)>  C. hassleriana(0.074)>番茄(-0.002)> 马鞭草 × 矮牵牛(-0.060)。结果表明,C. hasslerianaS.野菊能够完全支持发育和繁殖N.细叶从仅其的植物组织来源的营养物质,而马鞭草× 矮牵牛和蕃茄则没有。我们的发现显示哈氏梭菌印度S(S. indicum)外,它是一种保护和大规模繁殖猪笼草的有前途的资源。
