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Resisting Neoliberalism and Patriarchy: Marina Carr's On Raftery's Hill and Lola Arias's La escuálida familia
Comparative Drama ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cdr.2017.0002
Noelia Diaz

If we look at a possibly speculative dystopic world in which all that remains is a single family invested in self-destruction through violence and incest, can we see a critique of the patriarchal narratives that have perpetuated discrimination and abuse in turn of the current century society? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe what we've got is just a story of one dysfunctional family at the end of time. But take two such contemporaneous plays from the dawn of the millennium that each recreate that same horrifying premise, one from Ireland, one from Argentina, and the viability of such a premise deepens. In the final sentiment of Lola Arias's play La escualida familia (2001), Luba says, They say that sibling-love engenders idiot-children. Then we'll start a family of idiots and we'll live happily ever after at the end of the snow. We'll have one, two, a thousand idiot children and we'll let them run, love, die. They'll get together, they'll have more idiots, and so on and so forth... (1) Similarly, in Marina Carr's play On Raftery's Hill (2000), Dinah tells her father, "Granny was talkin about gorillas earlier. Thah's whah we are, gorillas in clothes pretendin to be human." (2) Each of these statements suggests a society in which humanity has all but vanished, largely--but not entirely--because of incest and the savage behavior of the families. In one case, the idiots will take over the future; in the other, humans have regressed into gorillas, walking backwards from civilization into the wilderness. The plays examine how, in the absence of moral behavior, violence leads to havoc, rendering individuals powerless to own their destinies since their lives are marked by physical, spiritual, and emotional deprivation. Both plays are largely preoccupied with how to create communities that are moral and satisfying to all their members. Thus, in spite of an exhibited postmodern aesthetic, both writers seem to be operating from a deep ethical concern, reflecting on the conditions that might lead to the bleak scenarios portrayed in La escualida familia and On Raftery's Hill. In the face of drastic social change taking place in Argentina and Ireland at the time of these plays' staging, Arias and Carr seem to seek a path toward re/consideration and resistance, and to examine how patriarchal social structures contribute to the disenfranchising of many. Carr's and Arias's plays offer, in due concordance with postmodern aesthetics, not solutions but rather openings from which to rethink the failures of their respective nation-states: the failure to provide fundamental human rights (the right to safety, work, adequate food, health, housing provisions). The political stance of both plays is delivered, then, through a postmodern aesthetic. This postmodern aesthetic, which Lola Proano-Gomez defines as "an aesthetic of uncertainty" and which others like Jorge Dubatti and Osvaldo Pelletieri have respectively described as "el canon de la multiplicidad" or "teatro de la desintegracion," takes into account the fragmentation of master narratives in the postmodern era. (3) Nevertheless, Proano-Gomez finds in the postmodern plays of her study a "modern ethic." (4) This modern ethic is implicated in questions of human solidarity, the difficulty of creating community under the pressures of globalization, and the role history and language play in creating individuals' perceptions of themselves within a given time. The same structure of "modern" ethical content and postmodern form infuse the plays of my study. Both La escualida familia and On Raftery's Hill fall under what Richard Kearney has postulated as a postmodern imagination that is both ethical and poetical. (5) According to Kearney, the collapse of the ethical via deconstruction has resulted in a dilemma for postmodernism, one in which the other has become just an image without substance. His solution is to allow the postmodern imagination to play and deconstruct, to critique, but not to become nihilistic in the process. …



如果我们看一个可能是投机性的反乌托邦世界,在这个世界中,剩下的只是一个家庭,通过暴力和乱伦进行自我毁灭,我们能否看到对在本世纪社会中延续歧视和虐待的父权叙事的批判? ? 也许,也许不是。也许我们得到的只是一个关于末日一个功能失调的家庭的故事。但是,从千禧年开始,两部同时期的戏剧都再现了同样可怕的前提,一部来自爱尔兰,一部来自阿根廷,这样一个前提的可行性就会加深。在 Lola Arias 的戏剧 La escualida familia (2001) 的最后一段感情中,Luba 说,他们说兄弟姐妹之爱会产生白痴孩子。然后,我们将开始一个白痴家庭,我们将在雪的尽头从此过上幸福的生活。我们' 将有一个,两个,一千个白痴孩子,我们会让他们跑,爱,死。他们会聚在一起,他们会有更多的白痴,等等...... (1) 同样,在 Marina Carr 的戏剧 On Raftery's Hill (2000) 中,Dinah 告诉她的父亲,“奶奶早些时候在谈论大猩猩……我们就是这样,装扮成人类的大猩猩。” (2) 这些陈述中的每一个都表明了一个人类几乎消失的社会,主要是——但不是完全——因为乱伦和家庭的野蛮行为。在一种情况下,白痴会接管未来;另一方面,人类已经退化成大猩猩,从文明倒退走向荒野。这些戏剧考察了在缺乏道德行为的情况下,暴力如何导致破坏,使个人无法掌握自己的命运,因为他们的生活以身体、精神和情感上的匮乏为标志。这两部剧都在很大程度上专注于如何创建对所有成员都具有道德和满足感的社区。因此,尽管表现出后现代美学,两位作家似乎都出于深刻的伦理关切,反思了可能导致 La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 中描绘的凄凉场景的条件。面对这些剧集上演时阿根廷和爱尔兰发生的剧烈社会变革,阿里亚斯和卡尔似乎在寻求重新/思考和抵抗的道路,并研究父权社会结构如何导致许多人的权利被剥夺。 . 卡尔和阿里亚斯的戏剧提供,与后现代美学相一致,不是解决方案,而是重新思考各自民族国家失败的开端:未能提供基本人权(安全权、工作权、充足食物权、健康权、住房权)​​。两部剧的政治立场都是通过后现代美学来表达的。这种后现代美学被 Lola Proano-Gomez 定义为“不确定性美学”,而 Jorge Dubatti 和 Osvaldo Pelletieri 等人分别将其描述为“el canon de la multipliidad”或“teatro de la desintegracion”,考虑到了碎片化后现代时代的主要叙事。(3) 尽管如此,Proano-Gomez 在她研究的后现代戏剧中发现了一种“现代伦理”。(4) 这种现代伦理涉及人类团结、在全球化压力下创建社区的困难以及历史和语言在特定时间内创造个人对自己的看法的作用等问题。“现代”伦理内容和后现代形式的相同结构注入了我的研究剧本。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 在全球化的压力下创建社区的困难,以及历史和语言在给定时间内创建个人对自己的看法方面所扮演的角色。“现代”伦理内容和后现代形式的相同结构注入了我的研究剧本。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 根据科尔尼的说法,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入困境,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 在全球化的压力下创建社区的困难,以及历史和语言在给定时间内创建个人对自己的看法方面所扮演的角色。“现代”伦理内容和后现代形式的相同结构注入了我的研究剧本。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 以及历史和语言在创造个人在给定时间内对自己的看法方面所起的作用。“现代”伦理内容和后现代形式的相同结构注入了我的研究剧本。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 以及历史和语言在创造个人在给定时间内对自己的看法方面所起的作用。“现代”伦理内容和后现代形式的相同结构注入了我的研究剧本。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 伦理内容和后现代形式融入了我的研究中。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 伦理内容和后现代形式融入了我的研究中。La escualida familia 和 On Raftery's Hill 都属于 Richard Kearney 所假设的后现代想象,既符合伦理又符合诗意。(5) 在科尔尼看来,解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。… 解构导致的伦理崩溃导致后现代主义陷入两难境地,其中另一个成为没有实质内容的形象。他的解决方案是让后现代的想象力发挥和解构、批判,而不是在这个过程中变得虚无。…