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Intimate Realities and Necessary Fiction in Percival Everett by Virgil Russell
African American Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2019.0004
Leah Milne

Abstract:This article examines Percival Everett's collapsing of distinctions between writers and readers, and between reality and storyworlds, in his 2013 novel, Percival Everett by Virgil Russell. Through the depiction of an intimate writing relationship between father and son and through expansive storytelling that grows to encompass Nat Turner and even the author himself, the novel responds to critics who would delimit African American literary works-including Everett's erasure (2001). By refusing to privilege specific time periods or certain forms of African American experience above others, Virgil Russell seeks to open up the boundaries of African American literature.


维吉尔·罗素(Virgil Russell)在珀西瓦尔·埃弗雷特(Percival Everett)中的亲密现实和必要的虚构

摘要:本文探讨了珀西瓦尔·埃弗里特 (Percival Everett) 在其 2013 年维吉尔·罗素 (Virgil Russell) 的小说《珀西瓦尔·埃弗里特 (Percival Everett)》中对作家与读者之间以及现实与故事世界之间区别的崩溃。通过对父子之间亲密的写作关系的描述,以及通过涵盖纳特纳甚至作者本人的广泛叙事,这部小说回应了那些对非裔美国文学作品进行划界的评论家——包括埃弗雷特的擦除(2001)。通过拒绝将特定时期或某些形式的非裔美国人经历置于其他人之上,维吉尔·罗素 (Virgil Russell) 试图开拓非裔美国人文学的界限。