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Voicing His Objections: Narrative Voice as Racial Critique in Percival Everett's God's Country
African American Review Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2019.0006
James J. Donahue

Abstract:In God's Country, Percival Everett employs a variety of tropes from traditional Westerns in order to call out the inherent racism of the genre. In this article, I explore the means by which Everett also employs the narrative form itself as part of his critique. In his use of the first-person point of view, Everett highlights the various forms of racism in American culture while simultaneously demonstrating how that racism was knowingly transmitted through one of America's most popular narrative traditions.


表达他的反对意见:Percival Everett 的上帝之国中作为种族批判的叙事声音
