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A Disabled Actor Prepares: Stanislavsky, Disability, and Work at the National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped
Theatre Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/tj.2019.0004
Patrick McKelvey

Abstract:Jesuit Brother Rick Curry founded the National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped (NTWH) in 1977 with the mission of training blind and physically disabled people to work as actors. This essay examines the relationship between the NTWH’s dual commitments to Stanislavskian actor training and professionalizing people with disabilities as theatrical laborers. That such commitments would be mutually compatible might initially seem surprising, in light of the pervasive ableist representations and discourses that shape Stanislavsky’s system. The essay reveals how the workshop critically negotiated Stanislavsky’s ableism in order to interpret disability as the condition of possibility for authentic expression onstage. It does so by analyzing the workshop’s neo-Stanislavskian handbook—which it developed as a precursor to scene study with Stanislavsky’s An Actor Prepares—alongside Stanislavsky’s own writings. This analysis shows how the workshop aligned people with disabilities with both “authenticity” and the capacity for labor at a historical moment in which they enjoyed a fraught relationship to the US political and cultural imaginary. But the essay is just as interested in illuminating the political potential in how the NTWH exceeded, or fell short of, its own political project. By examining the workshop’s interpretations of Stanislavsky within broader histories of theatrical and affective labor, the essay reveals how the workshop inadvertently corroborated a “crip antiwork politics.” In so doing, the NTWH illuminated the role that theatre might play in challenging workforce participation as a horizon for disability politics.



摘要:耶稣会士里克·库里(Rick Curry)于1977年成立了国家残疾人剧院(NTWH),其任务是训练盲人和肢体残疾的人担任演员。本文探讨了NTWH对斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基演员培训的双重承诺与残疾人作为戏剧工作者的专业化之间的关系。鉴于塑造斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基体系的无处不在的能力主义者的表述和话语,这种承诺相互兼容最初可能看起来令人惊讶。这篇文章揭示了研讨会如何批判性地谈判了斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的能力,以将残疾解释为在舞台上真实表达的可能性条件。它是通过分析研讨会的新斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基手册(与斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基自己的著作一起,作为斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的《演员准备》而进行场景研究的前身)而进行分析的。该分析表明,在与美国政治和文化想象者之间有着紧张关系的历史时刻,研讨会如何使残疾人既具有“真实性”又具有劳动能力。但是,这篇文章对阐明NTWH如何超越或未能达到自己的政治计划的政治潜力同样感兴趣。通过在更广泛的戏剧和情感劳动历史中考察研讨会对斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的解释,这篇文章揭示了研讨会是如何在无意中证实了“犯罪的反工作政治”。这样,