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Portraying Ourselves Observing Others: The French Ethnocolonial Gaze on Sixteenth-Century Floride française (1562-1565)
French Forum ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/frf.2018.0016
Scott D. Juall

Summary:Between 1562 and 1565, France sent three colonial expeditions to the eastern shores of Florida. Led by Jean Ribaut and René de Laudonnière, the French explored a 65-kilometer expanse along the Atlantic coast, stretching from today's St. Augustine, Florida to Port-Royal, South Carolina. They befriended tribes of Timucuans, set up alliances with them, and established settlements Charlesfort and Fort Caroline. The king appointed professional painter Jacques le Moyne de Morgues to accompany the second expedition and illustrate the experiences of the colonists in Florida. Le Moyne's 42 illustrations, later published as engravings, reflect a unique model of early modern European visual representations of the indigenous Other of the Americas. Le Moyne uses various gazes to portray the French experiences in Florida, the most provocative of which are those depicting members of the French expedition observing the Amerindians engaged in activities related to their lifestyle and social structure, including rituals, ceremonies, and interactions with other tribes. These illustrations reflect an ethnocolonial gaze, which represents a process of French exploration and colonization mediated by extended cross-cultural interactions with the Other. This gaze, which involves both reading alterity and self-reflection, shows the French analyzing elements of local society that might work to their colonial advantage. Le Moyne's innovative ethnocolonial representations of Franco-Amerindian interactions, an extension of an emerging Huguenot hemeneutic of reading alterity, constitute a significant stage in the development of modern ethnographic portrayals of Otherness that French Protestant travel writers, cartographers, and visual artists were developing in the mid-sixteenth century.


描绘自己观察他人:法国民族殖民对 16 世纪法兰西法兰西的凝视(1562-1565)

简介:1562 年至 1565 年间,法国向佛罗里达东海岸派遣了三支殖民探险队。在 Jean Ribaut 和 René de Laudonnière 的带领下,法国人沿着大西洋海岸探索了 65 公里的广阔区域,从今天的佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁一直延伸到南卡罗来纳州的皇家港。他们与 Timucuans 部落成为朋友,与他们建立联盟,并建立了查尔斯堡和卡罗琳堡定居点。国王任命专业画家 Jacques le Moyne de Morgues 陪同第二次远征,并描绘佛罗里达殖民者的经历。Le Moyne 的 42 幅插图,后来作为版画出版,反映了早期现代欧洲对美洲原住民的视觉表现的独特模式。勒莫因用不同的目光描绘了在佛罗里达的法国经历,其中最具煽动性的是描绘了法国探险队成员观察美洲印第安人从事与其生活方式和社会结构相关的活动,包括仪式、仪式以及与其他部落的互动。这些插图反映了一种民族殖民主义的凝视,它代表了法国探索和殖民化的过程,这种过程以与他者的跨文化互动为中介。这种既涉及阅读他异性又涉及自我反思的凝视显示了法国人分析当地社会可能对他们的殖民优势起作用的因素。勒莫因对法裔美洲印第安人互动的创新民族殖民表现,是新兴的胡格诺派阅读异质性解释学的延伸,