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Mme Riccoboni in Defense of Female Suicide: Histoire du Marquis de Cressy (1758)
French Forum ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/frf.2018.0000
Marijn S. Kaplan

Abstract:This essay analyzes protofeminism related to Marie Jeanne Riccoboni's (1713-1792) Histoire de monsieur lemarquis de Cressy(1758) not so much in its oftentimes discussed and controversial ending, a female suicide, but rather in its contemporary reception. The analysis will focus on the hitherto unnoticed and unexamined public defense of that female suicide. I argue that Riccoboni herself sent a letter to the Mercure de France in response to its review. In it she defends her choice and thus successfully enters the public debate about suicide in patriarchal Enlightenment France as a woman by presenting to readers an unlikely heroine who claims the right to commit suicide when, how, where and by whose hand she desires, as a reaction to male betrayal. In 1758 this constituted a bold, revolutionary and protofeminist move, executed well before her male philosopher friends reached similar conclusions and also before suicide became more secularized and decriminalized in eighteenth-century French society.


Mme Riccoboni 为女性自杀辩护:Histoire du Marquis de Cressy (1758)

摘要:本文分析了与 Marie Jeanne Riccoboni (1713-1792) Histoire de monsieur lemarquis de Cressy (1758) 相关的原始女性主义,与其说是在其经常讨论和有争议的结局,女性自杀,不如说是在其当代接受度。分析将集中在迄今为止未被注意和未经审查的女性自杀的公开辩护上。我认为 Riccoboni 本人曾致函 Mercure de France 以回应其审查。在其中,她为自己的选择辩护,从而成功地以女性的身份进入了父权启蒙法国关于自杀的公开辩论,向读者展示了一位不太可能的女主人公,她声称有权在她想要的时间、方式、地点和手上自杀,作为一名女性。对男性背叛的反应。1758 年,这是一次大胆的、革命性的、原始女性主义的举动,