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From Fantasies of Wilderness to Ecological Sovereignty: An Ecocritical Reading of the Vita Merlini
Arthuriana ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/art.2018.0002
Alan S. Montroso

Abstract:This article reads the Vita Merlini as a parable of Merlin's progression from ethical consideration of non-human Others within a fantasy wilderness to sovereignty over the Calidon Forest. This narrative of domination over Nature is complicated as Merlin's colonialist perspective is challenged by Ganieda's desire for a pre-Conquest British wilderness.


从荒野幻想到生态主权:Vita Merlini 的生态批判性阅读

摘要:本文将 Vita Merlini 解读为 Merlin 从幻想荒野中对非人类他人的伦理考虑到对 Calidon 森林的主权发展的寓言。这种支配自然的叙述很复杂,因为梅林的殖民主义观点受到加尼达对征服前英国荒野的渴望的挑战。