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La Lecture de François le Champi dans À la recherche du temps perdu: Sand, Proust et l’“essence du roman”
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2017.0016
Christina Kkona

Whether solitary or shared, childhood reading in the Recherche is a sacred experience, somewhere between ethics and aesthetics and, on the other hand, between nature and culture. With both the Sandian narrators and the mother of the Proustian protagonist, reading aloud flirts with censorship, as far as it is subject to a tension between sensuality and repression. The grandmother’s “aesthetics of gift”—that opens up to the historical potential of language—offers an alternative beyond binaries. As the maternal reading of François le Champi shows it, censorship is a repressive practice that produces gaps and inconsistencies, but it also stimulates the openness of the imaginary and the triggering of creativity. The tale becomes a “potential space” (Winnicott), a “play” that facilitates transiting from childhood to adolescence. This “play” invites a new understanding of literature, no longer based on easy communicability but on the expressive potential of what is incommunicable. (In French)



无论是单独的还是共享的,在Recherche的童年阅读都是一种神圣的经历,介于道德与美学之间,另一方面介于自然与文化之间。与桑迪安叙述者和普鲁士主角的母亲一起,大声地阅读带有审查制度的调情影片,因为这在感性和压抑之间是有​​张力的。祖母的“天赋美学”-开启了语言的历史潜能-提供了二进制之外的另一种选择。正如弗朗索瓦·勒·尚皮(Françoisle Champi)的母性读物所表明的那样,审查制度是一种压制性的实践,会产生差距和不一致之处,但同时也会激发想象力的开放性和创造力的触发。这个故事变成了一个“潜在的空间”(Winnicott),一种“戏剧”,有助于从童年过渡到青春期。这种“玩法”使人们对文学有了新的认识,不再基于容易交流的知识,而是基于非交流内容的表达潜力。(法文)