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Incipit: On the Present and Future of the Field
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2016.0003
David F. Bell , Catherine Witt

www.villanova.edu/ncfs For the fi rst installment of this new dialogic series, the journal asked David F. Bell (Duke University) and Catherine Witt (Reed College) to refl ect on where the fi eld is now, where it is going, and what is likely to be meaningful in nineteenthcentury French studies ten years from now. Th e authors composed their initial essays without knowing the identity of their interlocutor; the ensuing conversation took place in person. Unless indicated otherwise, all material in footnotes comes from the author of the related passage.



www.villanova.edu/ncfs在该新的对话系列的第一部分中,该期刊要求David F. Bell(杜克大学)和Catherine Witt(里德学院)对现在的领域,现在的位置进行反思。以及十年后的19世纪法国研究中可能有意义的事情。作者在不知道对话者身份的情况下撰写了论文。随后的对话是亲自进行的。除非另有说明,否则脚注中的所有材料均来自相关文章的作者。