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Blurring the Color Line: Racial and Sexual Thresholds in Sidonie de La Houssaye's Les Quarteronnes de la Nouvelle-Orléans
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2017.0006
Mary Greenwood

Sidonie de La Houssaye's 1890s tetralogy Les Quarteronnes de la Nouvelle-Orléans features ambiguous representations of women of color, simultaneously drawing on well-worn stereotypes and endowing these characters with complex personalities and considerable agency. This article examines these representations through the inscription of gendered racial hierarchies into the narrative spaces of the series, tracing how de La Houssaye alternately establishes and obfuscates borders between normative and Other identities and sexualities. Personal mobility enables the titular characters of these novels to acquire new racial and gender identities. I argue that Les Quarteronnes thereby reveals the parochial and patriarchal underpinnings of post-Reconstruction racism in Louisiana, thereby challenging the essentialisms undergirding such ideologies.


模糊种族分界线:西多妮·德拉·侯赛耶(Sidonie de La Houssaye)的《新世界》(Les Quarteronnes de laNouvelle-Orléans)中的种族和性阈

西多妮·德拉·侯赛耶(Sidonie de La Houssaye)1890年代的四部曲《四分之一的法国季报》(Les Quarteronnes de laNouvelle-Orléans)以有色女性的模棱两可代表为特征,同时借鉴了陈旧的刻板印象,并赋予这些人物复杂的个性和可观的代理力。本文通过在系列的叙事空间中刻入性别种族等级制度,考察了这些表现形式,追踪了德拉·侯赛耶如何交替建立和混淆规范性身份与其他身份与性之间的边界。个人流动性使这些小说的名义人物能够获得新的种族和性别认同。我认为,Les Quarteronnes揭示了路易斯安那州重建后种族主义的狭och和重男轻女的基础,从而挑战了支撑这种意识形态的本质主义。