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Double Entendre: The Aural Poetics of La Curée
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2019.0001
Sara Phenix

Abstract:Zola’s La Curée is a novel famously dominated by visual themes (fashion, architecture, ostentation, myopia). This study turns La Curée on its ear and interrogates what has heretofore received little critical notice—the novel’s aural poetics. In his portrayal of Renée Saccard as a failed listener, Zola engages nineteenth-century theories of the neurogenic origin of language and anticipates later insights about the socially conditioned nature of aural interpretation. Renée’s failure as an interpreter of verbal cues problematizes the notion of auditory transparency and suggests that the visual construct of the écran réaliste in Zola’s aesthetics can be reimagined as another membrane through which language is mediated—the eardrum.



摘要:左拉的《 LaCurée》是一部以视觉主题(时尚,建筑,表面,近视)为主的小说。这项研究使拉库雷(LaCurée)耳目一新,并审视了迄今鲜为人知的小说小说的听觉诗学。在将RenéeSaccard描绘成失败的听众时,Zola运用了19世纪语言的神经源性理论,并预期了以后关于听觉解释的社会条件本质的见解。勒内(Renée)作为口头线索的解释者的失败给听觉透明性的概念带来了问题,并暗示可以将佐拉(Zola)美学中的écranréaliste的视觉构造重新想象成另一种媒介,通过该媒介来传播语言-鼓膜。