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Un roman sur et pour l'Italie: Une analyse de la réception de Corinne par le monde culturel italien
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2017.0001
Fadil Moslemani

The purpose of this article is to highlight and discuss the impact of Germaine de Staël's novel Corinne (1807) on early nineteenth-century literary debates in Italy. In particular, this essay intends to investigate the reception of the novel by the Italian intelligentsia in an era of major cultural and political change. Influential in raising national consciousness in Italy, Corinne became widely popular and controversial among Italian hommes de lettres, sparking philosophical and literary debates about the very nature of Italian literature. In this regard, this article devotes particular attention to two eminent literary figures: Ugo Foscolo (1778–1827) and Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837). While the former particularly focuses on the interrelationship of literature and institutions, the latter develops a remarkably fecund intellectual dialogue with Staël's writings, citing Corinne as one of the primary causes of his philosophical conversion. (In French)



本文的目的是强调和讨论Germaine deStaël的小说《科琳(Corinne)(1807)》对19世纪初期意大利文学辩论的影响。特别是,本文旨在调查在重大文化和政治变革时代,意大利知识分子对小说的接受程度。在提高意大利的民族意识方面具有影响力,科琳娜在意大利文学家中广受欢迎并引起争议,引发了有关意大利文学本质的哲学和文学辩论。在这方面,本文特别关注了两个著名的文学人物:乌戈·佛斯科洛(Ugo Foscolo(1778–1827)和贾科莫·利奥帕第(Giacomo Leopardi)(1798–1837)。前者特别关注文学与制度的相互关系,后者与Staël的著作进行了激烈的学术对话,并指出Corinne是他进行哲学转变的主要原因之一。(法文)