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Members of His Body: Shakespeare, Paul, and a Theology of Nonmonogamy by Will Stockton
Shakespeare Quarterly ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/shq.2018.0004
Drew Daniel

The very first article of the so-called “Nashville Statement,” a recent evangelical Christian manifesto drafted by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, states, “We deny that God has designed marriage to be a homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous relationship.”1 Although wisely declining to speak for God, Will Stockton argues precisely the opposite in his new book: insofar as “biblical marriage is plural marriage” (5), it is always already queer. Members of His Body breaks new ground by finding early modern queerness within a seemingly inhospitable domain: theology. Though Stockton considers commentary from Luther, Willet, and Wilson, “theology” here really means Paul, and, specifically, Ephesians 5:22–33, whose tricksy injunctions and analogies are reproduced on the book’s opening page, where they function as provocation, sanction, and master text for the sermon that follows. In an economical introductory chapter, Stockton clarifies the ambitious stakes fashioned upon this narrow scriptural basis: “To make the claim that the construction of marriage in Ephesians 5 queerly translates the one flesh of wife and husband into the communal flesh of Christ is . . . to understand perversion structurally, as Jonathan Dollimore has elucidated it: a mode of desire, understanding, and action that emerges from within a norm, not outside it” (11). In invoking a transcorporeal theology of nonmonogamy in Ephesians 5, Stockton is not working to recover evidence of a secret polygamous group, sect, or ethos. Rather, insofar as every Christian marriage is a matter of “more than two” from its inception, the ideal of biblical matrimony is itself already both plural and queer. Severing this claim from a broad survey of other theological writers, scriptural passages, or historical archives risks paradox: is queer theology, if not a grin without a cat, then at least a heresy without heretics? Happily, Stockton has identified at least one heretic: William Shakespeare. In a sequence of four chapters on The Comedy of Errors, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, and The Winter’s Tale, a rich network of verbal patterns and implications within Shakespearean drama emerges that fleshes out this bold hypothesis. Taking the Folio’s use of “nativity” (often emended by modern editors to “festivity”) as a symptom of a deeper intuition, the opening gambit of Stockton’s first BOOK REVIEWS 61



所谓的“纳什维尔声明”的第一篇文章是最近由圣经男女性委员会起草的福音派基督教宣言,其中指出:“我们否认上帝将婚姻设计为同性恋、一夫多妻或多妻制的关系。 ”1 虽然明智地拒绝为上帝说话,威尔斯托克顿在他的新书中恰恰相反:就“圣经婚姻是复数婚姻”(5)而言,它总是已经很奇怪了。他身体的成员通过在一个看似荒凉的领域:神学中发现早期的现代酷儿,开辟了新天地。虽然斯托克顿考虑了路德、威利特和威尔逊的评论,但这里的“神学”实际上是指保罗,特别是以弗所书 5:22-33,书中的诡异命令和类比被复制在书的开头页,在那里它们起到了挑衅的作用,制裁,以及接下来讲道的主文本。在经济的介绍性章节中,斯托克顿澄清了在这个狭窄的圣经基础上形成的雄心勃勃的赌注:“声称以弗所书第 5 章的婚姻结构奇怪地将妻子和丈夫的一体性转化为基督的共同肉身是…… . . 从结构上理解变态,正如乔纳森·多利摩尔 (Jonathan Dollimore) 所阐明的那样:一种从规范内部而不是外部出现的欲望、理解和行动模式”(11)。在以弗所书 5 中援引非一夫一妻制的超体神学时,斯托克顿并不是在努力恢复秘密的一夫多妻制团体、教派或精神的证据。相反,就每一个基督教婚姻从一开始就是“两个以上”的问题而言,圣经婚姻的理想本身就已经是复数和奇怪的了。从对其他神学作家、经文段落或历史档案的广泛调查中分离出这一主张有悖论的风险:酷儿神学,如果不是没有猫的笑容,那么至少是没有异端的异端邪说吗?令人高兴的是,斯托克顿至少发现了一位异端:威廉·莎士比亚。在关于错误喜剧、威尼斯商人、奥赛罗和冬天的故事的四章序列中,莎士比亚戏剧中丰富的语言模式和含义网络出现,充实了这个大胆的假设。将 Folio 对“诞生”(通常被现代编辑修改为“节日”)的使用作为更深层次直觉的征兆,斯托克顿第一部书评的开场白 61 如果不是没有猫的笑容,那么至少是没有异端的异端?令人高兴的是,斯托克顿至少发现了一位异端:威廉·莎士比亚。在关于错误喜剧、威尼斯商人、奥赛罗和冬天的故事的四章序列中,莎士比亚戏剧中丰富的语言模式和含义网络出现,充实了这个大胆的假设。将 Folio 对“诞生”(通常被现代编辑修改为“节日”)的使用作为更深层次直觉的征兆,斯托克顿第一部书评的开场白 61 如果不是没有猫的笑容,那么至少是没有异端的异端?令人高兴的是,斯托克顿至少发现了一位异端:威廉·莎士比亚。在关于错误喜剧、威尼斯商人、奥赛罗和冬天的故事的四章序列中,莎士比亚戏剧中丰富的语言模式和含义网络出现,充实了这个大胆的假设。将 Folio 对“诞生”(通常被现代编辑修改为“节日”)的使用作为更深层次直觉的征兆,斯托克顿第一部书评的开场白 61 莎士比亚戏剧中丰富的语言模式和含义网络出现,充实了这个大胆的假设。将 Folio 对“诞生”(通常被现代编辑修改为“节日”)的使用作为更深层次直觉的征兆,斯托克顿第一部书评的开场白 61 莎士比亚戏剧中丰富的语言模式和含义网络出现,充实了这个大胆的假设。将 Folio 对“诞生”(通常被现代编辑修改为“节日”)的使用作为更深层次直觉的征兆,斯托克顿第一部书评的开场白 61