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Chaucer's Jailer's Daughter: Character and Source in The Two Noble Kinsmen
Shakespeare Quarterly ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/shq.2018.0002
Megan Snell

CH AU C E R’ S K n I G H T, T H E I n AU G U R A L C O n T E S TA n T in The Canterbury Tales, tells the story of the captured kinsmen Arcite and Palamon, the latter of whom escapes “by helpyng of a freend.”1 The Knight keeps the account of Palamon’s prison break relatively simple: though “olde bookes” tell this story “moore pleyn” (ll. 1463–64), he says nothing else about the accomplice, only elaborating that Palamon can flee because “he hadde yeve his gayler drynke” (l. 1470). This single line about the helpful “freend” becomes a soliloquy in The Two Noble Kinsmen, Shakespeare and Fletcher’s dramatic adaptation of The Knight’s Tale:



《坎特伯雷故事集》中的 CH AU CE R'SK n IGHT,THEI n AU GURALCO n TES TA n T,讲述了被俘的亲属 Arcite 和 Palamon 的故事,后者“靠着一个自由人的帮助”逃脱了。1 骑士保持对帕拉蒙越狱的描述相对简单:虽然“旧书”讲述了这个故事“摩尔·普林”(ll. 1463-64),但他没有说其他关于同谋的事情,只是详细说明帕拉蒙可以逃跑是因为“他已经盖勒·德林克”(l. 1470)。这一句关于乐于助人的“自由”成为了莎士比亚和弗莱彻对骑士故事的戏剧改编的两位贵族亲属中的独白: