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Two Myths of Sisyphus
Philosophy and Literature ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/phl.2018.0031
Bruce Milem

. . . [Upon] his capture, Sisyphus was brought before the council of the gods, who were informed of all his crimes. After withdrawing from the chamber for many hours, they returned to sentence Sisyphus to his fate. He was doomed to roll a rock up a hill, watch it roll back to its starting place, and begin again, and to repeat this for all eternity. He would do this alone, without the comfort of company, in perpetual dark. He would not need sleep, food, or drink, and so would not receive any break from his labor; and unlike the other souls in Hades he would remain as lucid as in life. As they departed the chamber, the gods congratulated one another on this judgment, on the absurdity and pointlessness of the existence they had prepared for Sisyphus. Even Zeus and Athena, the most exacting, agreed that the punishment was fair. And so Sisyphus’s labors began. He was transported to his hill and his rock. Immediately he felt in his heart an anxious command to push the rock up the hill, and he began at once. With effort he could move it, but he had to keep pushing up the slope to stop it from rolling back



. . . [在]他被捕后,西西弗斯被带到众神的议会面前,众神被告知了他的所有罪行。从密室中撤出数小时后,他们又回到了西西弗斯的命运。他注定要把一块石头滚上山坡,眼睁睁地看着它滚回原点,然后重新开始,并永远重复这一切。他会独自做这件事,没有陪伴,在永远的黑暗中。他不需要睡眠,不需要食物或饮料,因此他的工作不会有任何休息时间。与阴间中的其他灵魂不同,他会像生活一样保持清醒。当他们离开房间时,众神互相祝贺这一判决,祝贺他们为西西弗斯准备的存在的荒谬和毫无意义。即使是最严厉的宙斯和雅典娜,也同意惩罚是公平的。于是西西弗斯的工作开始了。他被运送到他的山上和他的岩石上。顿时,他心中有一种急切的命令,要把岩石推上山坡,他立刻动了起来。用力他可以移动它,但他不得不继续向上推斜坡以阻止它滚回