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The Art of "Reading-To" and the Post-Holocaust Suicide in Schlink's The Reader
Philosophy and Literature ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/phl.2018.0008
Michael Lackey

Abstract:In Bernhard Schlink's The Reader, former Nazi perpetrator Hanna Schmitz commits suicide, and scholars have not yet answered the question why. When Michael visits Hanna's cell after her death, he notices books on her shelf by Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, Tadeusz Borowski, Jean Améry, Rudolf Höss, and Hannah Arendt. By citing works from these authors, I argue that Hanna kills herself because she discovers that Michael has become what she once was. I also demonstrate that through her suicide, Hanna fulfills a major demand found in the works of Améry, and by fulfilling that demand, Améry and Hanna are united.



摘要:在伯恩哈德·施林克的《读者》中,前纳粹肇事者汉娜·施密茨自杀身亡,学者们尚未回答为什么。当迈克尔在汉娜死后访问她的牢房时,他注意到她的书架上有普里莫·莱维、埃利·威塞尔、塔德乌什·博罗夫斯基、让·阿梅里、鲁道夫·霍斯和汉娜·阿伦特的书。通过引用这些作者的作品,我认为汉娜自杀是因为她发现迈克尔已经变成了她曾经的样子。我还证明,通过她的自杀,汉娜满足了 Améry 作品中的一个主要需求,通过满足这一需求,Améry 和 Hanna 团结在一起。