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The Early Meredithian Milieu: New Evidence from Letters of Peter Augustin Daniel
Studies in Philology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sip.2018.0023
Nicholas A. Joukovsky

Abstract:A hitherto unknown collection of manuscript letters from Peter Augustin Daniel (1827–1917) to his widowed mother in Australia throws new light on George Meredith’s early life and first marriage to Mary Ellen Nicolls, the eldest daughter of Thomas Love Peacock. As an East India Company clerk, Daniel had known both of the Merediths before their marriage, when all three were collaborators on the manuscript periodical “The Monthly Observer” in 1848–49. Since Daniel was also an aspiring painter as well as an intimate friend and frequent travelling companion of Mary Ellen’s lover Henry Wallis (1830–1916), his letters, now in the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, contain significant new information not only about George Meredith’s relations with contemporary artists but also about the circumstances surrounding Mary Ellen’s love affair with Wallis, which provided the stimulus for her husband’s novel The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (1859).


早期的Meredithian Milieu:来自Peter Augustin Daniel的信件的新证据

摘要:彼得·奥古斯丁·丹尼尔(Peter Augustin Daniel,1827-1917年)致其遗w的澳大利亚母亲的手抄本信,迄今鲜为人知,这为乔治·梅瑞迪斯的早年生活以及与托马斯·爱·孔雀的长女玛丽·埃伦·尼科尔斯的初婚带来了新的启示。作为东印度公司的一名业务员,丹尼尔在婚前就认识了这两个Meredith,当时三人都是1848–49年手稿期刊“月报”的合作者。由于丹尼尔还是玛丽·艾伦的情人亨利·沃利斯(Henry Wallis,1830-1916年)的抱负画家以及亲密朋友和经常旅行的同伴,因此他的来信如今在墨尔本维多利亚州立图书馆,