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Vicissitude of Years: Temporal Experience in Donne’s Anniversaries
Studies in Philology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sip.2019.0004
Zoe Gibbons

Abstract:In the Anniversaries (1612), a trio of elegiac poems in honor of the fourteen-year-old Elizabeth Drury, John Donne inverts the usual priorities of Renaissance historiography—“what Caesar did, yea, and what Cic’ro said”—by commemorating a young girl who did and said nothing in particular before her premature death. Early modern historians took for granted that time is linear, that effects can be traced back to causes, and that human nature remains constant over the centuries. By contrast, Donne’s unorthodox history of Elizabeth Drury presents two conflicting and irreconcilable temporalities. In the first temporal scheme, time conforms to historians’ understanding of it; in the second, Drury’s death has destroyed the natural order, including the order of time, and rendered impossible the writing of traditional histories, which “measur[e] future things from things before.” Many scholars have attempted to resolve the temporal paradoxes of the Anniversaries, but the speaker suggests that honoring Drury’s memory means accepting that two mutually exclusive temporalities can exist simultaneously within a single text. The willingness to dwell in unresolvable paradox is characteristic of Pyrrhonian skepticism, which teaches its adherents to, in Donne’s phrase, “[d]o not so much as not believe a man.” Only when readers have achieved this state can they participate in writing Drury’s history by allowing her virtue to inhabit their actions in the world.



摘要:在周年纪念日(1612年)中,为纪念十四岁的伊丽莎白·德鲁里(Elizabeth Drury)创作的三首挽歌诗,约翰·多恩(John Donne)颠覆了文艺复兴时期史学的通常重点-“凯撒做了,是的,而西科罗说了什么” -纪念一位年轻女孩,她过早地做了什么,什么也没说。早期现代历史学家认为时间是线性的,影响可以追溯到原因,并且人类的本性在几个世纪中保持不变。相比之下,多恩(Donne)的伊丽莎白·德鲁里(Elizabeth Drury)的非正统历史呈现出两种矛盾且不可调和的时间性。在第一个时间方案中,时间符合历史学家对时间的理解;第二,德鲁里(Drury)的去世破坏了自然秩序,包括时间秩序,使传统历史的写作变得不可能,它“从以前的事物中衡量未来的事物。” 许多学者试图解决周年纪念的时间悖论,但发言人建议,尊重德鲁里的记忆意味着接受两个互斥的时态可以在一个文本中同时存在。居住在无法解决的悖论中的意愿是巴比伦怀疑论的特征,用多恩的话讲,它的信奉者“不如不相信一个人。” 只有当读者达到这种状态时,他们才能通过允许德鲁里的美德生活在世界上来参与写作。但这位发言人建议,尊重杜鲁(Drury)的记忆意味着接受一个文本中可以同时存在两个互斥的时间性。居住在无法解决的悖论中的意愿是巴比伦怀疑论的特征,用多恩的话讲,它的信奉者“不如不相信一个人。” 只有当读者达到这种状态时,他们才能通过允许德鲁里的美德生活在世界上来参与写作。但这位发言人建议,尊重杜鲁(Drury)的记忆意味着接受一个文本中可以同时存在两个互斥的时间性。居住在无法解决的悖论中的意愿是巴比伦怀疑论的特征,用多恩的话讲,它的信奉者“不如不相信一个人。” 只有当读者达到这种状态时,他们才能通过允许德鲁里的美德生活在世界上来参与写作。