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Serialization, Illustration, and the Art of Sensation
Victorian Periodicals Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/vpr.2019.0001
Elizabeth Anderman

Abstract:This essay explores the multiple intersections between text and image in the illustrated serial editions of Lady Audley's Secret (London Journal, 1863) and The Woman in White (Harper's Weekly, 1859–60). It argues the illustrations connect to political articles, biographical profiles, and the images accompanying other fiction serials. These lateral connections relate the text to current events, underscore the importance of some characters over others, and, most importantly, enhance the emotional resonance of texts and images. Ultimately, they reveal the reading of serialized sensation novels as a participatory process, where meaning and emotion are expanded through iterative and contextual readings.



摘要:本文探讨了奥德利夫人的秘密(伦敦杂志,1863 年)和白衣女人(哈珀周刊,1859-60 年)插图连载版中文本和图像之间的多重交叉。它认为插图与政治文章、传记简介和其他小说系列随附的图像有关。这些横向联系将文本与时事联系起来,强调某些角色相对于其他角色的重要性,最重要的是,增强了文本和图像的情感共鸣。最终,他们将连载感觉小说的阅读揭示为一个参与过程,其中意义和情感通过迭代和上下文阅读得到扩展。