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Revolt in the Novel: Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Ghandūr’s Thaʾr al-damm (Blood Revenge) and the 1936-1939 Rebellion in Palestine
Journal of Arabic Literature Pub Date : 2017-08-09 , DOI: 10.1163/1570064x-12341335
Pasquale Macaluso 1

Contrary to the inveterate opinion of most scholars, a Palestinian author actually dealt with political issues before the Nakbah in the novel Thaʾr al-damm (Blood Revenge). Published in Damascus in 1939 by Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Ghandūr from Acre, this work of fiction remained in oblivion for decades because the French Mandate authorities confiscated most of its copies soon after publication. It narrates the story of a young physician who forms an armed band to avenge the rape of his younger sister by British soldiers during the 1936-1939 uprising in Palestine; the woman, disguised as a man, joins the rebels and eventually dies in a fight.Through the symbolism behind the retaliation for the maiden’s rape, Thaʾr al-damm provides a literary interpretation of the Palestinians’ shift to organized insurgency against the British Mandate in the late 1930s. By pivoting the plot around the tropes of injury and revenge, Ghandūr translated the feelings of humiliation and threat, and the consequent quest for revenge and liberation shared by many Palestinians into a novel. The action of this story takes place in the Palestinian countryside, in a village community portrayed as a spotless model of national solidarity and harmoniously merged with its environment. Ghandūr sketches a protagonist who exemplifies the theme of the political radicalization of modern-educated youth and argues for the leading role that they should assume in the struggle, while the only female character illustrates village women’s actual involvement in the revolt.


小说中的叛乱:Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Ghandūr 的 Thaʾr al-damm(血仇)和 1936-1939 年的巴勒斯坦叛乱

与大多数学者根深蒂固的观点相反,一位巴勒斯坦作家实际上在小说 Thaʾr al-damm(血仇)中处理了大灾难之前的政治问题。这部小说于 1939 年由来自 Acre 的 Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Ghandūr 在大马士革出版,几十年来一直被遗忘,因为法国托管当局在出版后不久没收了大部分副本。它讲述了一个年轻的医生在 1936-1939 年巴勒斯坦起义期间组建武装乐队为英国士兵强奸他妹妹报仇的故事;这位伪装成男人的女人加入了叛军并最终在战斗中死去。通过对少女被强奸的报复背后的象征意义,塔尔·达姆对巴勒斯坦人转向有组织的反抗英国托管地的叛乱进行了文学解释。 1930 年代后期。通过围绕伤害和复仇的比喻展开情节,甘杜尔将许多巴勒斯坦人所共有的羞辱和威胁感以及随之而来的对报复和解放的追求转化为一部小说。这个故事的情节发生在巴勒斯坦乡村,一个被描绘成民族团结的完美典范并与环境和谐融合的村庄社区。甘杜尔描绘了一个主人公,他体现了现代受过教育的青年政治激进化的主题,并主张他们在斗争中应承担的主导角色,而唯一的女性角色则说明了农村妇女实际参与了反抗。以及随之而来的许多巴勒斯坦人对复仇和解放的追求写成一部小说。这个故事的情节发生在巴勒斯坦乡村,一个被描绘成民族团结的完美典范并与环境和谐融合的村庄社区。甘杜尔描绘了一个主人公,他体现了现代受过教育的青年政治激进化的主题,并主张他们在斗争中应发挥主导作用,而唯一的女性角色则说明了农村妇女实际参与了反抗。以及随之而来的许多巴勒斯坦人对复仇和解放的追求写成一部小说。这个故事的情节发生在巴勒斯坦乡村,一个被描绘成民族团结的完美典范并与环境和谐融合的村庄社区。甘杜尔描绘了一个主人公,他体现了现代受过教育的青年政治激进化的主题,并主张他们在斗争中应承担的主导角色,而唯一的女性角色则说明了农村妇女实际参与了反抗。