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Demons in the Consulting Room: Echoes of Genocide, Slavery and Extreme Trauma in Psychoanalytic Practice ed. by Adrienne Harris, Margery Kalb, and Susan Klebanoff
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2019.0017
Jane Hanenberg

“In every nursery there are ghosts. They are the visitors from the unremembered past of the parents; the uninvited guests at the christening. The intruders from the past have taken up residence in the nursery, claiming tradition and rights of ownership. While no one has issued an invitation, the ghosts take up residence and conduct the rehearsal of the family tragedy from a tattered script.” —Fraiberg, S., Adelson, & E. Shapiro, V., 1975, p. 387-8


咨询室里的恶魔:精神分析实践中种族灭绝、奴隶制和极端创伤的回声编辑。作者:Adrienne Harris、Margery Kalb 和 Susan Klebanoff

“每个托儿所都有鬼魂。他们是父母不记得的过去的访客;洗礼仪式上的不速之客。过去的入侵者在托儿所居住,声称拥有传统和所有权。虽然没有人发出邀请,但鬼魂住下,用破烂的剧本排练家庭悲剧。” ——Fraiberg, S., Adelson, & E. Shapiro, V., 1975, p. 387-8