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The Disgraced Life in J. M. Coetzee's Dusklands
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2018.0001
Steven Groarke

Abstract:Through a close reading of J. M. Coetzee's Dusklands, this paper explores the productive overlap between literature and psychoanalysis, without assimilating one to the other. The author argues that while Coetzee is not in any meaningful sense of the word a "psychological" novelist, nonetheless his work provides a rich source for our understanding of inner narratives. His novels thus overlap, broadly speaking, with the psychoanalytic thinking of Klein, Kristeva, and Bion, among others. In an attempt to draw out the fictionality of the interior life in Coetzee, the essay focuses on anxiety as a type of religious anxiety. In this respect, it argues that colonial violence may be seen as part of a wider discursive formation in which the inner life is haunted by an intolerable nothingness


JM Coetzee's Dusklands 的耻辱生活

摘要:通过仔细阅读 JM Coetzee 的 Dusklands,本文探讨了文学和精神分析之间富有成效的重叠,而不是将两者同化。作者认为,虽然库切在任何意义上都不是“心理”小说家,但他的作品为我们理解内在叙事提供了丰富的资源。因此,从广义上讲,他的小说与克莱因、克里斯蒂娃和比恩等人的精神分析思想重叠。为了描绘库切内心生活的虚构性,本文将焦虑作为一种宗教焦虑。在这方面,它认为殖民暴力可以被视为一种更广泛的话语形式的一部分,在这种形式中,内心生活被一种无法忍受的虚无所困扰。