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Letters from the Dead: The Healing Power of Writing in Anna Seghers's "Post to the Promised Land"
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2017.0026
Jeffrey Berman

Abstract:The essay explores Anna Seghers's "Post to the Promised Land." Set during the early 1940s in France and Palestine, the story weaves together history, psychology, biography, and art. The "promised land" is both a real place and a psychic state, both of which, Seghers suggests, can best be approached through writing. "Post to the Promised Land" is a masterpiece of psychological subtlety, written by an author with unsurpassed insight into lives shattered by war, exile, and catastrophic loss. The story occurs during the Holocaust, but it also speaks to our contemporary world, where revolutionary technological breakthroughs, leading to instantaneous communication, cannot replace older forms of communication, particularly writing.


死者的来信:安娜·西格斯 (Anna Seghers) 的《应许之地》中写作的治愈力量

摘要:本文探讨了安娜·西格斯 (Anna Seghers) 的《前往应许之地》(Post to the Promised Land)。故事发生在 1940 年代初期的法国和巴勒斯坦,故事将历史、心理学、传记和艺术交织在一起。“应许之地”既是一个真实的地方,也是一种精神状态,西格斯认为,最好通过写作来接近这两者。《前往应许之地》是一部心理微妙的杰作,作者对因战争、流放和灾难性损失而破碎的生活有着无与伦比的洞察力。这个故事发生在大屠杀期间,但它也讲述了我们当代世界,在那里,革命性的技术突破导致即时通信,无法取代旧的通信形式,尤其是写作。