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The Experience of Prospect and Refuge: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Houses as Holding Environments
American Imago Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2018.0010
Jeffrey Karl Ochsner

William and Elizabeth Tracy were nothing if not persistent. In 1953, they wrote to Frank Lloyd Wright to request a design for their new home. They were, in a sense, “students” of Wright: at Michigan State University, Elizabeth Tracy had taken art courses from professors Alma Goetsch and Kathrine Winckler, who lived a Wright-designed house built in 1940. William Tracy had studied architecture and engineering at the University of Idaho. In summer 1952, they had traveled across the Midwest, visiting Wright buildings in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. But when they contacted the Wright office in 1953, an apprentice wrote back that Wright was too busy, the distance (to the Pacific Northwest) was too far, and their budget was too small. So they contacted a local architect, Milton Stricker, who had been a Wright apprentice. Once Stricker met the Tracys, recognized their commitment to Wright’s ideas, and saw their lot overlooking Puget Sound, he agreed to help. Thus, in August 1954, when the Tracys again contacted Wright, he responded positively. The Tracys’ commitment did not end there. They proposed that the house might use the modular concrete block system that Wright had developed, which integrated design and construction; he called the system, and the houses built with it, “Usonian Automatics.”1 Based on Wright’s drawings (completed



威廉和伊丽莎白特雷西如果不是坚持不懈的话,就什么都不是。1953 年,他们写信给弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright),要求设计他们的新家。从某种意义上说,他们是赖特的“学生”:在密歇根州立大学,伊丽莎白·特雷西从阿尔玛·戈奇和凯瑟琳·温克勒教授那里学习了艺术课程,他们住在一栋建于 1940 年的赖特设计的房子里。威廉·特雷西学习了建筑和工程在爱达荷大学。1952 年夏天,他们穿越中西部,参观了密歇根州、伊利诺伊州、威斯康星州和明尼苏达州的赖特大厦。但是当他们在 1953 年联系 Wright 办公室时,一名学徒回信说 Wright 太忙了,距离(到太平洋西北部)太远,而且他们的预算太少。因此,他们联系了当地的建筑师米尔顿·史翠克(Milton Stricker),他曾是赖特的学徒。一旦史翠克遇到特雷西一家,认识到他们对赖特想法的承诺,并看到他们俯瞰普吉特海湾,他就同意提供帮助。因此,1954 年 8 月,当特雷西一家再次联系赖特时,他得到了积极的回应。Tracys 的承诺并没有就此结束。他们提出,房子可以使用赖特开发的模块化混凝土砌块系统,将设计和施工融为一体;他称这个系统和用它建造的房屋为“Usonian Automatics”。1 基于 Wright 的图纸(已完成 他们提出,房子可以使用赖特开发的模块化混凝土砌块系统,将设计和施工融为一体;他称这个系统和用它建造的房屋为“Usonian Automatics”。1 基于 Wright 的图纸(已完成 他们提出,房子可以使用赖特开发的模块化混凝土砌块系统,将设计和施工融为一体;他称这个系统和用它建造的房屋为“Usonian Automatics”。1 基于 Wright 的图纸(已完成